2025 YSI_Catalog

KU University of Kansas - EEB (Ecology and Environmental Bio Grad Student Outreach Committee) The University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Association is a group of graduate students dedicated to communicating science to the public in a fun and engaging manner. Our Outreach Committee is comprised of students broadly studying ecology and/or evolutionary biology, more specifically including paleontology, bioinformatics, phylogenetics, plant and animal morphology, and biogeography.

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


In this exercise, KU graduate students will lead Girl Scouts through a simple extraction of DNA from frozen strawberries. Graduate student leaders will also introduce the concepts of genomics and genetics to Scouts, and what they teach us about ourselves, our health, and the diversity of life on earth. Content will be adjusted for the age of the troop level participating. This workshop takes place at University of Kansas, Haworth Hall in Lawrence, Kansas. Length : 1-2 hours

DNA Extraction and Exploration


Max: 15-20

To schedule, email Meg Nibbelink at nibbelink@ku.edu.

The cost suggestion is to make a small donation to this organization equaling $1 per Girl Scout.


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