2025 YSI_Catalog

DETAILS ON EXPERIENCES Who Can Attend Experiences and Requirements Needed to Attend • Girls must be registered members who meet the Girl Scout grade-level requirement for the event. Any girl in grades K-12, who is not currently a registered Girl Scou t, may register as a member to attend events and activities. We recommend a tunic, sash, vest, and/or Girl Scout t-shirt to be worn for activities/events when appropriate. • Troop Leaders or other currently registered and background-checked adults are required to attend activities/events with troops and are responsible for ensuring the safety of the girls and maintaining the ratio unless otherwise noted. Please r efer to Safety Activity Checkpoints for these safety details. • Individual Girl Scouts can attend most of the activities/events listed. Unless otherwise noted, an adult caregiver must chaperone and be responsible for their girl(s) at an event/activity. • All overnights and high-risk activities require a completed and appr oved activity/ event. Look for this icon which denotes when you need to complete this form. From time to time, we offer virtual programs. In those occurrences, please review the internet safety pledge prior to the activity/event. • Cookie Dough: Girl Scouts can earn Cookie Dough through the annual Product Programs (Cookies and Candy, Nuts & Magazines). Cookie Dough can be used for GSKSMO-led activities/events when you see this icon Cookie Dough cannot be used for community partner-led experiences. • For tagalongs, there are certain events that allow non-Girl Scouts to join the fun! Read the specific details for each event to see when non-Girl Scouts are allowed to participate. • Program prices: For specific program prices visit the registration website or contact the program provider for more information. Community Partner-Sponsored Experiences Most of the activities and events in this guide are hosted by our amazing community partners, who focus experiences on Girl Scout core programming. Troop leaders or other approved adults are required to attend events with their Girl Scouts and are responsible for ensuring the safety of the girls. Community partner facilitators are never counted in the ratio for the girls. Some community partnerships manage their own registration, and in these situations, the contact information is on the event listing. Badge Explorer Earning badges just got easier! Community Partner programs help Girl Scouts meet objectives to earn various badges. Visit Girl Scouts Badge Explorer and search by focus area and grade level to learn more.

Note: You may need to select more than one topic to find the specific badge connection based on program objectives.


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