2025 YSI_Catalog

Giving Hope & Help Kansas City, MO | Troop Meetings

Giving Hope & Help supports domestic violence survivors, provides essential resources to end period poverty, empowers college-bound and non-traditional students and inspires cancer patients, lifting all those we serve to live their best life. To schedule your troop’s program, contact Jessica McClellan at donate@givinghopeandhelp.com and 816-507-9760.

Grade Level(s)

Event Name


Explore what it means to become a woman. Girls will learn about menstruation and what changes their bodies go through, what period poverty is, and how access to period products creates confidence, education, empowerment, and dignity. Length : 45-minutes.

Education on Menstruation and Period Poverty


Liberty Jazzercise 1185 B Kansas Street, Liberty, MO 64068

Liberty Jazzercise is creating stronger, happier, healthier lives through fitness by embracing fitness as a way of life.

To register your troop’s class, contact Amy McClary at mcclaryamy@gmail.com or call 816-456-8545.

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


Get fit and dance the night away! Girls will learn to express themselves through dance while exploring good habits for a fun and healthy lifestyle. Length : 1.5 hours.

Dance Fitness and Wellness




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