2025 YSI_Catalog

Taste Buds Kitchen 5336 W. 151st Street, Leawood, KS 66224

Taste Buds Kitchen’s mission strives to inspire a love of the kitchen and creating cherished memories for all.

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


Let us help you complete a badge, learn new things, and try different flavors all while having a blast at Taste Buds Kitchen! Earn your very own “Taste Buds Kitchen Fun Patch” or one of your Girl Scout Badges, either way you’ll have the best time. Brownies can complete their Snacks badges, Juniors can complete their Simple Meals badge, Cadettes will complete their New Cuisines badge, and Ambassadors can complete their Dinner Party badge. If you have a Daisy or Senior troop, Taste Buds Kitchen can help you create something for your girls as well.

Cooking Badge Workshops



This is a 1 to 2 hour workshop depending on the grade level.

The cost is $25-$35 depending on age level and workshop length for all participating guests.

To register: visit https://tastebudskitchen.com/leawood/field-trips/ - scroll to the Girl Scout

Badge menu options under the drop down menu.

To book, select "Book Your Field Trip", select the age, and then the dates/time.

When you choose your menu, be sure to select the correct "Girl Scout badge."

Available on weekday evenings.


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