What If Puppets (Formerly Mesner Puppet Theater) 300 E 39th St, Suite LL2D, Kansas City, MO 64111 What if Puppets' mission is to inspire play and cultivate connections through puppetry. We create innovative puppet-based experiences, performances, and education programs that support the social, emotional, and aesthetic development of young people.
This partner will travel up to 20 miles from downtown Kansas City to your troop’s location.
Call Education Director Alex Espy at (816) 756-3500, or email to alex@whatifpuppets.org to schedule your experience or ask any questions about the workshops below.
Grade Level(s)
Min/ Max
Event Name
From finger puppets to marionettes, there are a wide range of puppets enjoyed throughout the centuries. This workshop provides troops an up close and personal look at the main types of puppets, including how they move and express emotions through stories. Girls will get a sneak peek behind the scenes with an experienced puppeteer, and maybe even have a chance to bring a
Puppet Crash Course!
12 / 30
puppet to life themselves! Cost : $15 per Girl Scout
DJ Fuzzy Fuzz is on tour and stopping by for a puppet party! Throughout the course of this workshop, girls will express themselves and move their bodies, but in focused and controlled ways that foster safe bodies and safe choices. The party can’t start until everyone is modeling safe choices and behaviors, and that’s when the fun can really begin! Cost : $12 per Girl Scout
Puppet Dance Party!
12 / 30
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