2025 YSI_Catalog

#GiveMe20 #GiveMe20 will travel to your location within a certain mileage.

It's hard to be a kid today. #GiveMe20 is a powerful workshop where kids build a LifeBox and learn tools to get through 20 minutes of darkness — promoting positive mental health and combating teen suicide. Learn more at https://giveme20.net/ Note this is a high risk activity due to the subject matter and caregivers need to give permission for girls to participate. Caregivers will need to sign need a sensitive subject waiver before their girls attend. Girls should know what the topic is and have an option to opt out if they want.

Contact: giveme20.lifebox@gmail.com or setup a planning meeting via zoom at https://calendly. com/giveme20/45-minute-giveme20-zoom-planning-meeting

If tagalongs or adults join, make sure the girls have a safe space to have this difficult conversation. Have them help decide how they want tagalongs and caregivers to participate or not.

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


This workshop begins with a heartfelt discussion about the challenges of being a teen in today's world, the obstacles surrounding positive mental health and the reality of teen suicide. Girls Scouts will learn tools for getting through dark moments from 2 moms who know first hand how difficult life can be, complete hopeful activities and create a LifeBox that serves as a reminder of all they have to live for. Cost : $75 fee plus $10/per person for anyone creating a box - for groups of 50 or less. Length : 1 hour to 1 ½ hours.

#GiveMe20 Workshop — Let's Build A LifeBox




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