2025 YSI_Catalog

CodeCampKidz Virtual Experience

CodeCampKidz hosts online courses to help Girl Scouts complete badges and journeys focused on STEAM fields and earn their badges through guided step-by-step instructions from the comforts of their home and their schedule.

For Spanish speaking classes, contact Maria Parada at maria414@bu.edu.

Grade Level(s)

Event Name


Complete the Programmer Journey online and earn the Think Like A Programmer badge while learning how to code. Upon completion, Girls will have coded a final project of their choosing, overcome obstacles, built problem-solving skills, and developed confidence as independent coders. Click here to register for your troop’s journey workshop. Complete the Digital Game Design badge requirements online. Girls will learn about the Bootstrap toolkit for creating pages and create a suite of professional tools to reuse and customize for their development efforts. Click here to register for your troop’s journey workshop. Complete the Coding Basics badge requirements online. Girls will learn JavaScript and jQuery fundamentals, the basics of computational thinking, and will lay a foundation for building a live e-commerce application in the Applied JavaScript projects. Click here to register for your troop’s journey workshop.

Think Like A Programmer Journey


Digital Game Design Badge Workshop


Coding Basics Badge Workshop



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