2025 YSI_Catalog

Flint Hills Discovery Center

315 S. 3rd Street, Manhattan, KS 66502 The Flint Hills Discovery Center inspires people to celebrate, explore, and care for the Flint Hills. To accomplish this, they have developed an extensive array of exhibits and programs that are exciting, educational, and authentic, to engage visitors of all ages from all walks of life. For more information visit www.flinthillsdiscovery.org/181/Scouting-Programs.

Activities can be scheduled at least 2 weeks prior to activity date. To schedule, email FHDCeducation@cityofmhk.com or call 785-587-2726.

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


Girls will explore the nature around them and the Flint Hills ecoregion. Girls will dive into the world of soil to learn about soils, seeds, plants and more. Length : 2 hours. Through games and activities, Girls will discover the importance of clean water in the Flint Hills and develop a historical appreciation for the importance of water and waterways. Length : 2 hours.

Between Earth and Sky Journey Workshop Wonders of Water Journey Workshop






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