2025 YSI_Catalog

Grade Level(s)

Min/ Max

Event Name


Girls will take a deeper dive into the characteristics of water and the categories of water pollution while earning their next badge! KC Water offers programming specific to your troop’s grade level. Each program is guaranteed to teach Girls the importance of clean water and how they can be an agent of change in their communities. • 4th grade – Hitchhiking with H2O Learn how weathering, erosion, and deposition impact water quality and how various substances interact with our waterways. • 5th grade – KC to the Sea Girls will calculate the amount of water found in a square yard and compare this to water falling around common impervious surfaces while learning about watersheds and precipitation. This lesson pairs nicely with a storm drain marking service project. • 6th – 8th grade – The Force of Water Girls will build a watershed model and learn about solutions to flooding and possible methods of pollution control. • 6th -12th grade – Macro Monitoring Girls will study and identify macros found in local waterways as they learn about the general characteristics of macros, their importance and role in the food chain. • 6th -12th grade – Water Quality Testing Girls will conduct data analysis to understand the physical characteristics of water and their level of pollution while learning about the general research methods through water testing, assessment tools, data collection, and descriptions of a healthy water source.

Water Quality Lessons for Troops


Min. 10


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