RPIA Sustainability Report - 2023






39 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto ON M5R 2E3 www.rpia.ca/esg

DIRECT AND INSTITUTIONAL +1 647 776 2566 investors@rpia.ca


+1 647 776 2565 advisorservices@rpia.ca

IMPORTANT INFORMATION The information herein is presented by RP Investment Advisors LP (“RPIA”) and is for informational purposes only. It does not provide financial, legal, accounting, tax, investment, or other advice and should not be acted or relied upon in that regard without seeking the appropriate professional advice. The information is drawn from sources believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of the information is not guaranteed, nor in providing it does RPIA assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever. The information provided may be subject to change and RPIA does not undertake any obligation to communicate revisions or updates to the information presented. Unless otherwise stated, the source for all information is RPIA. “Forward-Looking” statements are based on assumptions made by RPIA regarding its opinion and investment strategies in certain market conditions and are subject to a number of mitigating factors. Economic and market conditions may change, which may materially impact actual future events and as a result RPIA’s views, the success of RPIA’s intended strategies as well as its actual course of conduct. The information presented does not form the basis of any offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities. Products and services of RPIA are only available in jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered and to investors who qualify under applicable regulation. RPIA managed strategies and funds carry the risk of financial loss. Performance is not guaranteed and past performance may not be repeated. The RP Broad Corporate Bond (Fossil Fuel Exclusion) strategy is offered pursuant to available prospectus exemptions to eligible Canadian investors through units of RP Broad Corporate Bond (Fossil Fuel Exclusion) Fund. RP Broad Corporate Bond (Fossil Fuel Exclusion) performance presented represents the returns of RP Broad Corporate Bond (Fossil Fuel Exclusion) Fund, gross of management and performance fees. Investor level fund performance may differ from the strategy level performance presented. The index performance comparisons presented are intended to illustrate the historical performance of the indicated strategies compared with that of the specified market index over the indicated period. The comparison is for illustrative purposes only and does not imply future performance. There are various differences between an index and an investment strategy or fund that could affect the performance and risk characteristics of each. Market indices are not directly investable and index performance does not account for fees, expense and taxes that might be applicable to an investment strategy or fund. RPIA is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and as part of our commitment, we consider Environmental, Social & Governance (“ESG”) factors as part of our firm-level activities, including our investment process. ESG factors are important considerations in our investment management process but is supplemental to our primary financial and credit research and analysis functions. ESG factors that may be considered as part of our investment process include matters relating to climate change, energy use, energy efficiency, emissions, waste, pollution, matters related to human rights, impact on local communities, labour practices, employee working conditions, health and safety of the employees and affiliates, employee relations and diversity, executive compensation, bribery and corruption, board independence, board composition and diversity, alignment of interest between the shareholders and the executives, shareholder rights, and companies’ policies relating to ESG. ESG integration, including components relating to issuer engagement, is a firm-wide investment approach but the weight and importance of it in our investment management process can vary across the investment funds we manage. Always refer to the relevant fund offering documents for important information on the investment objectives, strategies and associated risks of a particular fund. The consideration and implementation of ESG factors are also subject to RPIA’s internal investment and risk management policies and may be revised as a result of investment suitability requirements, current portfolio positioning and external market and economic factors. The consideration of ESG factors in the investment process for RPIA managed mutual funds, including RP Strategic Income Plus Fund, RP Target 2026 Discount Bond Fund and RP Alternative Global Bond Fund is limited and weighted less than the primary financial and credit analysis employed in the management of these funds. Please see the fund’s simplified prospectus for important information about the investment objectives, strategies and risks of each fund. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Always consult with your registered investment dealer before investing in mutual funds. .

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