RPIA Sustainability Report - 2023






Connected Communications 2023 Progress: The RP Roundup

2024 Goals: A Multi-Channel Approach

• In FY2023, we successfully launched a company- wide employee newsletter, the RP Roundup, which has quickly become a central hub for sharing updates on internal initiatives, including social events, volunteer activities, and wellness programs. • The newsletter has also served as a platform to celebrate special occasions in an employee’s life as well as significant cultural celebrations. • This initiative has already begun to strengthen connections across teams and improve overall employee engagement.

• Building on the momentum from FY2023, we will further refine our approach by focusing on integrating more interactive elements to our internal communications strategy to encourage greater employee participation. • Additionally, we will enhance our monthly townhall format to provide more comprehensive firm updates and foster a stronger sense of community. • To further promote transparency and alignment across the firm, we will strengthen our how we share important updates and changes throughout the organization.

RPIA is a “Great Place To Work”! 2023 Progress: GPTW Certified

2024 Goals: Implementing Feedback

• In FY2023, we undertook the Great Place to Work (“GPTW”) survey and subsequently we pursued and were awarded the GPTW Certification. • As part of this process, we reviewed the firm’s top strengths and areas of improvement with all employees in an effort to ensure transparency across our organization.

• In FY2024, we anticipate undertaking the Great Place to Work survey, with the intent of including updates based on our past learnings. • Over the coming years, we aim to incorporate the feedback we receive from the certification process to help inform and further develop our engagement efforts and our process to establish and update employee-facing policies.

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