PILOT Vanja Marčeta
PILOT Vanja Marčeta
N ije teško ako stvarno volite letenje, ako je to vaš životni san. Naravno, tokom letačke obuke bude težih i lakših perioda treninga, ali svi su savladivi za one koji su zaljubljenu u avijaciju. Ja jesam, i to odmalena. Možda zato što sam dete pilota. Još u vrtiću sam govorila da ću jednog dana biti pilot. Ta želja se nije promenila ni u pubertetu, pa ni kasnije. U početku nisam imala podršku roditelja, čak ni očevu. Međutim, videvši da ne odustajem, već da sam sve zagrejanija za to, konačno su me podržali. Moj put se nije razlikovao od onog koji prolaze moje kolege muškarci. Završila sam pilotsku akadem- iju u Vršcu, posle toga su usledile dodatne obuke, a od početka ove godine počela sam da gradim karijeru u kompaniji Er Srbija na avionu boing 737-300 . Osim to- ga, trenutno sam na master studijama ekonomije. Moje kolege su izuzetni ljudi i istinski džentlmeni. Ali u samom kokpitu nema podele na muško i žensko. Svako od nas ima svoje dužnosti kako bi let protekao u najboljem redu. Samim tim, nema mesta diskriminaci- ji, a ni džentlmenskom povlađivanju. Piloti nemaju fiksno radno vreme, često letimo noću i za praznike, tako da ovaj posao zahteva određe- na odricanja. Ali ništa ne pada toliko teško jer svaki let ima svoju čar.
I t’s not difficult if you really love flying, if that’s your life’s dream. Naturally, during flight training there are tougher and easier periods, but they can all be overcome by those who are in love with aviation. I am, and have been since I was little. Perhaps that’s because I’m a pilot’s child. Way back in nursery school I would say that I will be a pilot one day. That desire didn’t change during puberty, or even later. I initially didn’t have the support of my family, not even my father. However, when they saw that I wasn’t giving up, they started to warm up more to the idea, and finally support- ed me. My journey didn’t differ from the one traversed by my male colleagues. I completed the pilot academy in Vršac, after which additional training followed, and from the start of this year I began building a career at Air Serbia, on the Boeing 737-300 aircraft. Apart from that, I am cur- rently completing my Master’s studies in economics. My colleagues are exceptional people and true gentle- men, but in the cockpit there is no division between men and women. Each one of us has our own duties to ensure the flight is operated according to the best standards. As such, there is no room for discrimination. Pilots don’t have fixed working hours; we often fly at night and on public holidays, thus this profession de- mands certain sacrifices. But nothing is too difficult to handle, because every flight has its charm.
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