Šta vam je na umu / What’s on your mind
Nazivaju ga džez pevačem hip-hop generacije jer uspeva da kombinuje džez, soul, DnB i tekst u svoj je- dinstveni vokal džez brend. Ovog 13. i 14. novembra ć e prvi put nastupiti u Beogradu, i, kako kaže za Ele- vate, očekuje da se na tim koncertima ljudi dobro pro- vedu i izigraju! – Legendarni Nejt Smit ć e biti na bubnjevima, pa očekujte mnogo dobar fanki. Devojke, vidimo se! Jednom si rekao da je hip-hop produžetak džez muzike. Možeš li to malo da objasniš? – Svi hip-hop albumi nastali su semplovanjem džeza, fanka i soula. Nisam znao šta je džez dok ni- sam počeo da slušam ljude kao što su Beastie Boys , Ice Cube, De La Soul... Dakle, to je bukvalno produže- tak džeza. Možeš da pozoveš ljude da dođu u Njujork. Šta bi im rekao? Dođite u Veliku jabuku zato što… – To je nezaboravan grad, najuzbudljiviji na svetu. Grad koji ne e prestati da vas iznenađuje svojim kul- turnim blagom! Often referred to as a jazz singer for the hip-hop generation, New York City-based vocalist Jose James combines jazz, soul, drum'n'bass, and spoken words in his own unique brand of vocal jazz. On 13 th and 14 th November he will perform in Belgrade for the first time, and, as he states for Elevate, he expects people to have a good time and dance! - The legendary Nate Smith will be on drums keep- ing things funky. Ladies, we want to see you there! You said once that hip-hop is an extension of jazz music, can you explain that? - All hip-hop records started from sampling jazz, funk and soul albums. I didn’t know what jazz was un- til I started listening to the Beastie Boys, Ice Cube, De La Soul... So it’s a literal extension of jazz. You can invite people to come to New York. What do you say? Come to New York because it is… - The most unforgettable, most exciting and most surprising city in the world. You will find a cultural treasure.
Festival Musicology je već dve godine sastavni deo muzičkog i kulturnog ži- vota Beograda. Okuplja najveće zvez- de džez, soul, fank i bluz pravaca. To nije festival sa masovnom posetom, već muzičko uživanje na kojem sko- ro da možete dodirnuti izvođače. U klubu Bitefartcafe održava se sve do maja 2017. Musicology za sladokusce / Musicology for connoisseurs Musicology has become an essential element of the musical and cultural life of Belgrade in the last two years, brin- ging together the greatest stars of the jazz, soul, funk and blues genres. It is not a festival with massive visitor num- bers, but rather an example of musical enjoyment. This year will see concerts held at the Bitefartcafe until May 2017.
It’s possible! Talk with Serbia like you are at home Moguće je! Pričajte sa Srbijom kao da ste kod kuće K omunikacija sa porodicom i prija- teljima vam je zadavala glavobolju – roditelji ne znaju da koriste inter-
Communication with family and friends has given you a headache – parents don’t know how to use the internet or don’t have “smart” phones, while it’s difficult to find friends online at a time when it suits you. The new GO4YU Calling application stands out from other sim- ilar talk&text applications for several reasons. Everyone who downloads the GO4YU Calling app receives an 076 Serbian number from which they can call landline and mobile numbers on
net ili nemaju „pametne“ telefone, a prija- telje je teško pronaći online kada i vama to odgovara. Nova GO4YU Calling aplikacija izdvaja se od ostalih sličnih talk&text apli- kacija iz nekoliko razloga. Svi koji preuz- mu aplikaciju GO4YU Calling dobijaju 076 srpski broj sa kojeg mogu zvati fiksne i mo-
bilne brojeve Telekom Srbija mreže. To znači da nema više za- kazivanja razgovara i da se ne očekuje da stariji ljudi znaju da koriste računare ili aplikacije. Dodatno, u Srbiji nije potrebna aplikacija već prijatelje prosto možete pozvati na njihov 076 broj i to po ceni od samo 1,20 din/min. ili im slati SMS-ove.
the Telekom Srbija network. This means there’s no more sched- uling and older people are not expected to know how to use ap- plications. Furthermore, in Serbia an application is not required, but rather you can simply call friends on their 076 number, at a cost of only 1.20 din/min, or send them SMS messages.
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