Scena / The Scene
Ne verujete svojim očima? Vi vidite ogromnog puža na pustoj zemunskoj plaži. Toliki puž ne po- stoji osim u filmovima Spilberga i Lukasa? Ne verujete svojim očima. Vid vas vara, šalje pogrešnu po- ruku, mozak donosi pogrešan za- ključak. Takav puž ne postoji u Be- ogradu. Pa ipak, grešite. Fotograf je le- žao na plaži i ovaj je puž iz njego- ve perspektive čudesno veliki. Ali samo dok ga nije pogledao odozgo i skoro ga izgubio među zrncima peska. Zašto ne ustanete? Hajde, promenite ugao, izađite iz bezbed- ne zone, pogledajte još jednom. Jesu li vam problemi još veliki kao kuća? A puž, koliki je sada? Japan- ci kažu da žaba u bunaru ne zna za veliko more. Prosto, ima lošu per- spektivu. Izađite iz bunara! Perspektiva
Don’t believe your own eyes? You see a huge snail on a desert- ed Zemun beach. Such a large snail does not exist, other than in the movies of Spielberg and Lu- cas! You don’t believe your eyes. Your eyes are deceiving you, sending the wrong message, so that the brain reaches the wrong conclusion. Such a snail does not exist in Belgrade! Nevertheless, you are mistak- en. The photographer lay on the beach and from his perspective this snail was wondrously large. But only until he looked at it from above, and almost lost it among the grains of sand. Why not stand up? Come on, change your an- gle, abandon your comfort zone, take another look. Are your prob- lems still as big as a house? And the snail, how big is it now? Jap- anese people say that a frog in a well doesn’t know about the sea. It simply has a negative perspective. Get out of the well!
Fotografija / Photography: Mladen Šurjanac Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović
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