This is the city I stumbled into on 9 th June 1998. I do not even know myself how that happened. A decision to leave Belgrade was never made, but I didn’t exactly oppose the change. For a long time, I enjoyed and explored in God’s tranquillity that exalted part of the mysterious North. More precisely, that lasted until I learned the language. The language was an obstacle. As long as you do not know the language of a city, you are a stranger and you do not share the same time with the people around you. As soon as you conquer it, you become part of the same whole, and that’s when another life begins. My wish is to use these lines to walk you through Stockholm, the city of wonders, powerful imag- es that still endure. When you spend a longer time in one place, it happens that you become deaf to its beauty. Stockholm is a wizard who always surprises. I would first like to mention Dramaten, the Royal Dramatic Theatre. I remember when I first thought about how soon my earthly and creative wanderings would flow into a city which I know nothing about, then I stopped and considered – how will my being survive there? The people that paved the way there for me Strindberg and Berg- man. Ibsen was already Norwegian, which made him a neighbour. I would now add to this group an- other important creator - Jon Fosse. And the place where my hosts live today - in Dramaten. And thus I also put myself between them, playing three shows at Dramaten, two from the repertoire, The Seven Cleaners and I Think of Myself on My Own, and one of my own plays, Religions of the World in 30 Minutes. The next stop is the Swedish Film Institute (SFI), mainly Bergman's house, but also all those who fol- low and are seeking their way among the images of remembrance. Between Dramaten and the Film In- stitute I bumped into my female colleagues Lena Endre, Bibi Andersson and Gunnel Lindblom, and male colleagues Erland Josephson, and Mikael Pers- brant... As for the people, they’re different here. I can say that they are aliens from the Balkan perspec- tive. This is also logical, because our perspectives of looking at life differ. Peace-restlessness, heat-cold, light-dark, silence-talking, slow-fast, we differ in all of that and so we are forced to look for other sym- bols of recognition, through history, culture, litera- ture, spirituality, poetry, film, theatre; through social- ising, falling in love, spiritual quests, dying... When you relocate in such a way, then it is like you are
Uređeni život u zemlji čudesa i čudaka An orderly life in the land of wonders and characters Tekst / Words: Jelena Mila Fotografije / Photography: Miško Rendulić MOJ STOKHOLM: JELENA MILA, GLUMICA MY STOCKHOLM BY ACTRESS JELENA MILA
O vo je grad u koji sam se stropoštala 9. juna 1998. Kako, ne znam ni sama. Odluka da napustim Be- ograd nikada nije done- ta, ali se nisam baš ni protivila promeni. Dugo sam uživala i istraživa- la u miru božjem taj uzvišeni deo tajanstvenog severa. To je, tačni- je, trajalo – dok nisam savladala jezik. Jezik je bio brana. Sve dok ne znate jezik jednog grada, stra- nac ste i ne delite isto vreme s narodom oko sebe. Čim ga savla- date, postajete deo celine i tu po- činje drugi život. Želja mi je da vas kroz ove re- dove prošetam Stokholmom, gra- dom čuda i snažnih slika koje još žive. Kada duže boravite u jed- nom mestu, desi se i da ogluvi- te na njegove lepote. Stokholm je čarobnjak koji uvek iznenađuje. Prvo želim da pomenem Dra-
tivna lutanja sliti u jedan grad o kojem ništa ne znam, zasta- la sam i razmislila – kako će tu moje biće preživeti? Jedini zalog za taj korak bili su mi Strinberg i Bergman. Ibzen je već Norve- žanin, to mu dođe kao komšija. Ovoj grupi sada dodajem još jed- nog važnog stvaraoca – Jona Fo- sea. I gde moji domaćini žive da- nas – u Dramatenu . Tako sam i ja sebe smestila među njih igra- jući tri predstave u Dramatenu, dve repertoarske – Sedam čista- čica i Mislim na sebe samu , i jed- nu svoju, autorsku predstavu Re- ligije sveta za 30 minuta . Sledeća stanica je Švedski filmski institut (Swedish Film In- stitut, SFI), uglavnom Bergmano- va kuća, ali i svih onih koji slede i traže svoj put među slikama se- ćanja. Između Dramatena i Film- skog instituta sretala sam kolegi- nice Lenu Endre, Bibi Anderson i Gunel Lindblim i kolege Erlanda Josefsona, Mikaela Persbranta… Što se tiče ljudi, oni su druga- čiji ovde. Bez mnogo uzdržavanja
maten , Kraljevsko nacionalno pozorište. Sećam se, kada sam osetila tu prvu slutnju da će se uskoro moja zemaljska i krea-
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