Elevate November 2016 | Air Serbia

Život rimskog grada u Srbiji / Life of Roman city in Serbia


Tekst / Words: Tamara Ognjević, istoričarka umetnosti / art historian Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović, Arhiva / Archive GODS AND DEMONS OF VIMINACIUM

Viminacium never ceases to surprise researchers. At present they are all trying to work out who are the child and woman that were buried with unusual tiles two millennia ago on the Danube border of the Roman Empire News of the discovery of a capsule with the unusual con- tents of gold and silver tiles in Viminacium this summer liter- ally brought experts and laymen across the globe to their feet. A photograph of tiny gold tiles in the hand of Miomir Korać, head of the archaeological team that has for years been investigating this large Roman city on the ter- ritory of Serbia, launched an av- alanche of questions. Did those who gave them their send off in- to the world of the dead want to send magical messages to gods and demons, or did they perhaps want to protect them from grave robbers? Did these two currently anonymous residents of the city, which was founded in about 117 AD by Claudius’s legendary Sev- enth Legion, die a violent death? Emphasising that research- ers don’t cease to be surprised by Viminacium, which had nearly 30,000 inhabitants at its peak, Dr Korać explains why precisely this find is so significant. - Although there are thou- sands of graves at Viminacium that offer examples of almost all burial methods, rituals and

Viminacijum ne prestaje da iznenađuje istraživače. U ovom trenutku svi pokušavaju da odgonetnu ko su dete i žena sahranjeni s neobičnim pločicama pre dva milenijuma na dunavskoj granici Rimskog carstva


est o otkriću kapsula sa zlat- nim i srebrnim pločicama neobičnog sadržaja u Vimi- nacijumu doslovno je ovog leta podigla na noge struč-

njake i laike širom planete. Fotogra- fija tanane zlatne pločice u ruci dr Miomira Koraća, rukovodioca arheo- loškog tima koji već godinama istra- žuje ovaj veliki rimski grad na tlu Sr- bije, pokrenula je lavinu pitanja. Ko su dete i žena sahranjeni s neobič- nim pločicama pre gotovo dva mi- lenijuma na dunavskoj granici Rim- skog carstva? Da li su oni koji su ih ispratili u svet mrtvih želeli da po- šalju magijske poruke bogovima i demonima ili su možda hteli da ih zaštite od pljačkaša grobova? Nagla- šavajući da Viminacijum, koji je na svom vrhuncu imao gotovo 30.000 stanovnika, ne prestaje da iznenađu- je istraživače, dr Korać objašnjava za- što je upravo ovaj nalaz toliko zna- čajan. – Iako više hiljada grobova na Viminacijumu pruža primere goto- vo svih načina sahranjivanja, ritua- la i običaja vezanih za zagrobni ži- vot poznoantičkog Rima, grob deteta od nekih pet godina života oko či- jeg vrata se nalazila srebrna kapsula sa zlatnom pločicom, kao i onaj žene

Veliki rimski grad na tlu današnje Srbije imao je svoje eksperte za magijske zapise i vradžbine svake vrste large Roman city on the territory of today’s Serbia had its own experts in magical engravings and witchcraft of every kind

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