HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health and Caring for Your Body INSIDE: Getting to the Bottom of Back Pain • Seasonal Affective Disorder • Success Stories • Exercise Essentials • Featured Service: Vestibular Therapy
The back is one of the most vulnerable parts of thebody.Yourelyonitsoheavily—whetheritisto shoulderyouremotionalstressesortophysically lift something that you need to carry with you. Yourbackisconstantlyatrisk.Itisatriskwhenyou drive, being one of the body parts likely to take thebiggest impact incaseofanaccident. It isat riskwhenyouaresafelyathomeonyourcouch or at the office, where you are likely scrunched over and not caring one bit about your posture. It isatriskwhenyourun,whenyouplaysports, and even when you find yourself sick and are coughingsoheavilythatyourbackbeginstohurt. It isnowonder thatsomanypeopleexperience back injurieseveryyear.What isabigwonder is thatsomanypeoplechooseto ignoretheirback injuriesyearafteryear! When you break an arm or get a cut on your leg,youare likelytodosomethingabout itright away. The sight of blood leaving your body or the realization that a bone isn’t sitting right is something that not many people are going to deal with for too long before seeking medical
attention.Yetwhenpainbegins intheback, it is almost normal to ignore it. Everyone develops backpain,timetotime,right?Thereisnoreason tostressaboutitoroverreact,right?Absolutely wrong! Understanding Back Pain Back pain may be common, but it is absolutely not normal. There are actually a lot of serious conditionsthatcancauseyourbacktobeginto hurt,and it issmarttohaveyourbacklookedat byaphysicianearlyonsothatyouknowexactly whatisgoingonwithyourbodyfromtheget-go. Oncethecauseofyourbackpain isdetermined, yourphysicaltherapistwillbeabletoidentifythe best treatment options for your body’s needs. This will likely include the following: •Targetedexercisesthatarespecializedtothe regionofthebackthatisexperiencingthemost pain. These exercises are designed to help build strength and support the surrounding muscles.
•Guidedstretchingdesignedto improverange of motion and flexibility. This will take into account the health and vivacity of vertebrae and any potential stretches that may support optimal back health. • Support and guidance with an exercise routine and habit formation, especially with cardiovascular activity that can stimulate improved blood circulation to the affected areasoftheback,aswellasstrength-building activities. Attempting toundertakeanyof thesechanges on your own after you’ve experienced a back injuryisbothdangerousandnotrecommended. Working with a licensed and experienced physical therapist can provide you with the guidance and ongoing support that you need toensurethatyoudonotexperienceanyfurther injury as you attempt to heal the cause of your back pain. Contact us today at 706-993-2260 or visit
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