
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Mid Year Review — June 22 - July 12, 2012 — 3B



ivil engineers and envi- ronmental scientists – your “consultants” – are By Ted C. Williams, P.E., FACEC, Principal, LandmarkJCM Formula For Success: Engineering + Science = Valuable Due Diligence C the goals established by the client. If a stream or drainage way If the development of the property will generate signifi- cant traffic, the consultant can

preparation of the property record plans, the property site construction plans and any documents necessary for public hearings, meetings with civic associations and meetings with review agencies. The consultants’ services during each step of the land de- velopment process will provide the developer, property owner, and lender with the informa- tion necessary to make sound financial decisions as it relates to purchasing the property and proceeding with the develop- ment of the property. Ted C. Williams, P.E.,

FACEC, is a principal with LandmarkJCM—an inte- grated civil engineering and environmental sciences consulting firm, focused on sustainable design prac- tices. The 25 year old firm of 50 is based in New Castle, Delaware and serves clients in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. Williams serves as Chair- man of the national Ameri- can Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and was recently inducted into the prestigious College of Fellows of ACEC. ■

an extremely i mp o r t a n t part of the land acquisi- tion and land development process and can be quite valuable to the real estate professionals

The consultants’ services during each step of the land development process will provide the developer, property owner, and lender with the information necessary to make sound financial decisions as it relates to purchasing the property and proceeding with the development of the property.

provide a traffic impact study to determine potential off-site roadway improvements. After completion of the above services, the consultant can provide design services for

with a non-delineated 100- year floodplain exists on the property, the consultant can provide the analysis to estab- lish the limits of the floodplain, if required.

Ted C. Williams

involved in these transactions. The consultants provide valu- able services and information that allow developers, land owners and lenders to make sound financial decisions on the potential value of a property prior to acquisition or sale of the property, whether that property was previously developed or is undeveloped. Prior to the execution of a contract for the purchase of a property, the consultant can provide a “table top” review of available resource maps and zoning codes to determine the potential development yield of the property. This review would also in- clude the review of existing record plans and deeds to de- termine if restrictions had been previously placed on the property that would limit any development potential, zoning restrictions, presence of protect- ed resources such as wetlands, forested areas, recharge of wellhead areas and floodplains, presence of polluted soils, and traffic issues. Once it has been determined, as part of the “table top” review, that the property has a devel- opment potential that matches the developer’s, land owner’s or lender’s criteria, the consultant can provide all the necessary professional services to obtain approval of a development plan. The first items that will be provided by the consultant are the topographic and perimeter survey, wetlands survey and re- port, forest delineation, analy- sis of other protected resources, and a Phase I environmental audit that can impact the final development plan. The earlier in the transac- tion that this due diligence is conducted, the more advanta- geous the conclusions of various reports that may be provided, such as the ESA, zoning and natural science reports, etc., in making timely business deci- sions that will help achieve


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