Elevate December 2016 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up


G odina koja je za nama bila je veoma uspešna za Etihad ervejz partners (EAP), zbog čega na isteku 2016. želimo da vam zahvalimo na poverenju i vernosti. Tokom godine uložili smo mak- simalne napore da obezbedimo be- sprekoran servis, i to uključuje da- lju harmonizaciju beneficija za pripadnike programa kojima uprav- ljaju Etihad ervejz , Er Berlin , Alitali- ja , Er Srbija , Er Sejšeli , Etihad ridže- nel , Džet ervejz i Niki . Programi obuhvataju Etihad Guest , koji koriste članovi lojalti programa Etihad ervejza , Er Sejšela , Er Srbije i Etihad ridženela , zatim Topbonus za Er Berlin i Niki , Jet- Privilege za Džet ervejz i MilleMi- glia za Alitaliju . Pozitivne promene su uvedene u nekoliko oblasti, kao što su prio- ritetni ček-in, pristup dnevnom bo- ravku, povecanje dozvoljenog prt- ljaga i nivoa bonus milja. Svi detalji se mogu naci na www.etihadguest. com/eap. Presedanje u Abu Dabiju je pro- gram koji je takođe proširen na sve EAP partnere ove godine. Go- sti bilo koje EAP kompanije koji u ekonomskoj klasi lete do glavnog grada Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emira- ta i iz njega, a ostaju jednu noć, do- bijaju drugu noć u hotelu besplat- no. Gosti koji putuju u prvoj klasi uživaju u mogućnosti da provedu u hotelu dve noći sa besplatnim sme- štajem, a oni iz biznis klase ima- ju na raspolaganju jednu besplat- nu noć. U međuvremenu, EAP su ostva- rili snažno prisustvo na 15 Taste fe- stivala širom sveta u 2016. godini zahvaljujuci novom globalnom par- tnerstvu. U još jednom velikom pro- gramu sponzorstva, koja je počelo ove godine, EAP podržava 17 Fashi- on Week događaja širom sveta, a ta podrška ce se nastaviti u 2017. Svi mi u grupaciji Etihad er- vejz partnera radujemo se još bli- žoj saradnji u 2017. kako bismo vam omogućili najbolje destinaci- je i usluge. Obecavamo da ce biti još mnogo inovacija i razvojnih re- šenja kojima se unapred radujemo. Do tad, želimo vam srecnu i mirnu Novu godinu.

T his 2 016 has been a busy and successful year for the Etihad Airways Partners (EAP) group of airlines and we thank you for your continued custom and loyalty. During the year we increased our efforts to provide a seamless service and this included further alignment of the benefits for tiered members of the frequent flyer programmes operated by Etihad Airways, airberlin, Alitalia, Air Serbia, Air Seychelles, Etihad Re- gional, Jet Airways, and NIKI.

The programmes include Etihad Guest, which is used by loyalty mem- bers of Etihad Airways, Air Seychelles, Air Serbia and Etihad Regional; to- pbonus for Airberlin and NIKI; JetPri- vilege for Jet Airways; and MilleMi- glia for Alitalia. Positive changes have been intro- duced in several areas, such as priori- ty check-in, lounge access, increased excess baggage and tier bonus mi- les. Full details can be found at etihad- guest.com/eap. The ‘Stopover Abu Dhabi’ pro- gramme also extended to all EAP partners this year. Guests of any EAP airline flying to or beyond the United Arab Emirates capital in Eco- nomy class receive a second ho- tel night free when staying for one night. Guests travelling in First Cla- ss enjoy a premium stopover deal with two nights’ complimentary ac- commodation. Business Class guests receive one free night. Meanwhile, EAP enjoyed a strong presence at 15 Taste festivals arou- nd the world in 2016, thanks to a new global partnership. Another major li- festyle sponsorship that started this year saw EAP airlines support 17 fas- hion week events around the world and support will continue in 2017. All of us at Etihad Airways Par- tners look forward to working even more closely together in 2017 to give you the best destinations and servi- ces. We promise you that there will be plenty more developments to look forward to. Until then, we wish you a happy and peaceful New Year.

WE CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Elsewhere, EAP airlines also demonstrated how seriously they take their environmental and social responsibilities. This was shown by Etihad Airways’ continued support for the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium, which opened the world’s first research facility to grow food and fuel, using desert lands irrigated by seawater, in Abu Dhabi. Recently, airberlin was also ranked first in Europe and second worldwide, for scheduled airlines with more than one million passengers, in the annual atmosfair Airline Index 2016. In ad- dition, all EAP airlines became signatories to the Declaration of United for Wildlife International. MI BRINEMO O EKOLOGIJI Osim toga, EAP avio-kompanije su pokazale i koliko oz- biljno shvataju brigu za životnu sredinu i društvenu odgo- vornost. To se može videti u kontinuiranoj podršci Etihad ervejza programu za održiva bioenergetska istraživanja, u okviru kojeg je otvoren prvi istraživački objekat na svetu za proizvodnju hrane i goriva koji koristi pustinjsku zemlju navodnjenu morskom vodom u Abu Dabiju. Nedavno, Er Berlin je takođe dospeo na prvo mestu u Evropi i drugo u svetu za čarter letove sa više od milion putnika indeksiranih u 2016. godini. Pored toga, sve EAP avio-kompanije postale su potpisnice Deklaracije ujedi- njenih za Wildlife International .

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