Amsterdam Prvi bar za mamurluk U holandskoj prestonici nedavno je otvoren Hangover bar , prvi bar za mamurluk u svetu. Ovo neobično mesto radi od petka do nedelje, a da biste u njega ušli, morate da budete pozitivni na alko–testu. Bar je pretvoren u zelenu oazu u kojoj svaki krevet ima svoj televizor, a u ponudi su i ceđeni sokovi puni vitamina, svež vazduh i video–igre, koji će vam pomoći da što lakše i brže prebrodite mamurluk. Jedino što u ovom inovativnom kafiću ne možete da poručite jeste alkohol.
Copenhagen Museum dedicated to Andersen The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen have been among the favourite reading materials of children for more than two centuries. It is for this reason that a museum dedicated to the life and works of this great Danish writer will soon be built in his hometown of Odense. The museum will actually be the extension of an existing building in that city, where visitors can learn more about Andersen’s life and travels. Amsterdam World’s first hangover bar Hangover Bar, the world’s first bar for those suffering from hangovers, opened recently in the Dutch capital. This unusual venue works from Friday to Sunday and in order to enter you have to test positive on a breathalyser test. The bar has been transformed into a green oasis in which every bed has its own TV, while the offer also includes squeezed juices packed with vitamins, fresh air and videogames, which will help you to overcome your hangover as easily and quickly as possible. The only thing you can’t order at this innovative café is alcohol.
Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Amsterdam Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Amsterdam
Kopenhagen Muzej posvećen Andersenu Bajke Hansa Kristijana
Andersena omiljene su dečje štivo već više od dva veka. Zato će u Odenseu, njegovom rodnom mestu, uskoro biti izgrađen muzej posvećen životu i delu ovog velikog danskog pisca. Muzej će zapravo biti nadogradnja na postojeće zdanje u tom gradu, u kojem su posetioci mogli da saznaju nešto više o Andersenovom životu i putovanjima.
Er Srbija leti pet puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kopenhagen Air Serbia flies five times a week from Belgrade to Copenhagen
Stokholm Izložba kraljevskih venčanica
Stockholm Exhibition of royal wedding gowns This year marks 40 years since
Ove godine tačno je 40 godina otkada su se u stokholmskoj katedrali venčali švedska kraljica Silvija i kralj Karl Gustav XVI. U to ime u Kraljevskom dvoru u Stokholmu otvorena je izložba venčanica koje su nosile švedske kraljice i princeze u poslednje četiri decenije. Na izložbi je predstavljena i venčanica koju je davne 1976. godine nosila princeza Lilijan. Takođe je izložena i Diorova haljina u kojoj se udala kraljica Silvija, a izložba je otvorena do 12. marta sledeće godine.
Sweden’s Queen Silvia and King Carl Gustav XVI were married in Stockholm Cathedral. To mark this anniversary, the Royal Palace in Stockholm is hosting an exhibition of wedding gowns that have been worn by Swedish Queens and Princesses in the last four decades. The exhibition also presents the wedding dress worn in 1976 by Princess Lilian, while the Dior dress in which Queen Silvia was wed is also on display. The exhibition runs until 12 th March 2017.
Er Srbija leti šest puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Stokholm Air Serbia flies six times a week from Belgrade to Stockholm
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