Elevate December 2016 | Air Serbia

Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun


In our capital city there is always something going on, and in December people really don’t know where to go first

U našoj prestonici se uvek nešto događa, a u decembru stvarno čovek ne zna gde pre da ode

26 | and Choir for a large concert at the Sava Centre on 6 th December. Ansambl narodnih igara i pesama Srbije Kolo i Simfonijski orkestar i Hor Radio-televizije Srbije pra- ve veliki koncert u Centru Sava 6. decembra. Concert of the Kolo ensemble The Kolo ensemble of traditional Serbian folk dances and songs wi- ll be joined by the Radio-Televi- sion Serbia Symphony Orchestra Počinje Rakija fest Jubilarni 10. Rakija fest Balkan Ur - ban Experience počinje 3.decem- bra u Mikser hausu . Uživajte uz najbolju rakiju i nacionalne delika- tese. Cena ulaznice je 300 din. Rakija Fest begins The jubilee 10 th annual Balkan Ur- ban Experience Rakija Fest begins on 3rd December at Mikser House. Enjoy yourself with the best raki- ja brandy and national delicacies. Tickets are priced at 300 dinars. Festival nauke Program Festivala nauke ove go- dine biće u znaku 160. godišnjice rođenja Nikole Tesle. Festival će trajati od 15. do 18. decembra na Beogradskom sajmu. Festival of Science The programme of this year’s Festival of Science will comme- morate the 160 th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla. The festival will run from 15 th to 18 th December at the Belgrade Fair. Koncert ansambla Kolo

Izložba nakita Izložba Blago Singidunuma otvore- na je u Konaku kneginje Ljubice do 15. januara. Pogledajte 200 najvred- nijih predmeta iz zbirke Muzeja gra- da Beograda. Exhibition of jewellery The Treasures of Singidunum exhi- bition is open at the Residence of Princess Ljubica until 15 th January. Check out 200 of the most valuable items from the rich collection of the Museum of the City of Belgrade. Smotra stolica Pogledajte izložbu Stolice: Veko - vi trajanja u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti do 31. januara. Uživaće- te u smotri nameštaja za sedenje od renesanse do secesije. Exhibition of chairs Check out the exhibition “Cha- irs: Centuries of life” at the Muse- um of Applied Arts until 31 st January. You are sure to enjoy this collection of items of furniture for sitting from the Renaissance to the Art Nouve- au period. Biće živo u Beogradu 31. decembra. Nastupaće sve same zvezde, poput Ace Lukasa, Plavog orkestra , Baja - ge i instruktora , Saše Kovačevića... Spectacular New Year’s Eve 2017 Belgrade will come to life on 31 st December. There will be perfor- mances of all the stars, such as Aca Lukas, the Blue Orchestra, Bajaga and the Instructors, Saša Kovačević etc. Spektakularni doček 2017.

Balašević u Areni Dugo smo čekali da Đorđe Bala- šević ponovo nastupi u Beogra- du. Ovaj put družićemo se s njim u Kombank areni 30. decembra. Balašević at the Arena We have waited a long time for Đorđe Balašević to perform in Belgrade again. This time we will hang out with him at the Belgrade Kombank Arena on 30th December.

Sajam vina Beogradski Salon vina

Uživajte uz Amiru Medunjanin Svetski priznata pevačica sev- dalinki Amira Medunjanin odr- žaće 8. decembra koncert u Centru Sava . Cene ulaznica su od 1.000 do 2.200 dinara. Belgrade’s Hyatt Regency Hotel and runs for two days, on 9 th and 10 th December. odlična je uvertira u božićne i novogodišnje praznike. Sve se dešava u Hajatu i traje dva dana, 9. i 10. decembra. Wine Fair The Belgrade Wine Salon is the perfect prelude to the Christmas and New Year holidays. Everything takes place at

Enjoy Amira Medunjanin

World-renowned Sevdah mu- sic singer Amira Medunjanin will hold a concert at Belgrade’s Sa- va Centre on 8 s December. Tic- kets are priced at 1,000, 1,300, 1,600, 1,900 and 2,200 dinars.

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