Elevate December 2016 | Air Serbia

eliki je ovo grad. Bilo bi po- trebno više života da ga upoznaš celog. Njujork je kao pozornica. On se tom brzinom menja i gradi da

mi se ponekad čini da se podižu pozorišne kulise, a ne prave zgrade. Prvi put sam stigao u Nju- jork u septembru 1989. godine di- rektnim letom Jata iz Beograda. Imao sam dvadeset jednu godinu. Sećam se tog jesenjeg sun- ca. Bilo je kasno posle podne, a či- tav grad se kupao u nekoj zlatnoj svetlosti. Mislio sam da ga već po- znajem. Odrastao sam gledajući filmo- ve koji su snimani na njujorškim ulicama. Međutim, pravi Njujork This city is big. Several life- times would be needed in order to get to know it completely. New York is like a stage. It changes and is built with such speed that it sometimes seems that it is the- atre scenery that is being raised, and not real buildings. I arrived in New York for the first time in September 1989, on a direct JAT flight from Belgrade. I was 21 years old. I remember that autumn sun. It was late afternoon and the whole city was bathed in some kind of golden light. I thought that I already knew it. I grew up watching films that were shot on the streets of New York. However, the real New York was bigger and broader. And that breadth filled me with calm. From that first day, all the way until today, I’ve never felt like a foreigner in New York. That same year saw the


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