Elevate December 2016 | Air Serbia



1. Jedna pačka se pravi po nekoliko dana i ima oko 13 slojeva tila 2. Posle prvih krojačkih proba počinje izrada i obrada materijala, prave se aplikacije... 3. Divan detalj iz predstave Narodni poslanik 1. One tutu takes a few days to make and has around 13 layers of tulle. 2. After the first tailor’s tests, the tailoring and processing of materials begins, with applications made... 3. A beautiful detail from the play Narodni Poslanik (Member of Parliament).


in painting, fashion or other arts. Here we have more freedom in creating costumes than we do in the case of ballet, because the movements on stage are more particular. In recent times there have been mo- ves towards modernising the opera concept, and they are increasingly relocated to the present moment. Directorial requirements are changing, and so the approach is closer to dramatic works, while choreo- graphy is becoming ever more complex and the gre- ater involvement of singers is sought - explains Ka- tarina. The creation of a stage costume begins with a conversation and exchange of ideas between dire- ctors or choreographers, set designers and other team members. The basic idea is presented to associates by the director. Then the first conceptual sketches are created, conversations are held and artistic stances are harmonised. -When we define everything, the costume desi- gner does the final sketches and develops all of them for the workshop. Then we carry out our creative play with materials, ribbons, decorations, buttons and

other details. We make a sample and basic patterns together with modellers. They are key peo- ple who work to create the most unbelievable ideas and sketches. After the first rehearsal, the further ta- iloring and processing of materials begins, applica- tions are made and methods are devised for creating costumes from sketches to life on the stage. One of the most precious costumes in the the Na- tional Theatre is the costume of Milica Babić Jovano- vić for the opera, Boris Godunov. It is a priceless pie- ce because it is the oldest costume, while it is also the work of Serbia’s first educated costume designer. The costume is made of a million pieces of brocade, has many applications and weighs around 33 kilograms... Every costume passes through various works- hops - tailoring, footwear, craft shop and the stu- dio for the artistic processing of materials and co- stumes. Today there are 10 members employed in the women’s tailoring workshop, eight in men’s tai- loring, six in the footwear workshop and two in the craft shop, while there is also one assistant for proce- ssing costumes.

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