Klub ljubitelja teške industrije / Club for fans of heavy industry
That which you expect from Berlin, but which you can no longer get in the all-encompassing commercialisation of art, can be found on the outskirts of Belgrade, at Ciglana – Brickyard. Experience direct contact with defunct indus- trial plants, the remains of which
no što očekujete od Berlina, a ne možete više da dobijete u sveopštoj komercijalizaci- ji umetnosti, naći ćete na periferiji Beogra- da, u Ciglani . Direktan kontakt sa rashodova- nim industrijskim postrojenjima, čijim su se zamrlim, ali na svoj način lepim ostacima, priključi- le skulpture, slike, instalacije, grafiti... Vaš vodič kroz postavku, ujedno i inicijator, ali i kreator najvećeg broja dela, biće Viktor Kiss. „ Ciglana je zasnovana na ’sve-
KO JE VIKTOR? Viktor Kiss je rođen 1973. godine u Be- ogradu. Završio je Fakultet primenje- nih umetnosti, odsek keramika, ali ga je nemoguće uklopiti u kalup, jer radi i ži- vi na svoj, drugačiji način. Vrlo brzo je prevazišao keramiku i okrenuo se skul- pturi i predmetima od kovanog gvož- đa. Bavi se izradom skulptura u metalu, a poetika mu je zasnovana na velikom zanatskom umeću i provokativnim ide- jama. Možete ga naći u Ciglani . WHO IS VIKTOR? Viktor Kiss was born in Belgrade in 1973. He completed his studies at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Ceramics Department, but it is impossible to fit him into a mo- uld, because he lives and works in his own, different way. He outgrew cerami- cs very quickly and turned his attention to sculpture and objects made of wrou- ght iron. He makes sculptures from me- tal, while his poetics are based on gre- at craftsmanship and provocative ideas. You can find him at Ciglana.. elitism of art has forbidden: works that do not need to be interpret- ed, but rather everyone can un- derstand, with their eye and their heart. If, however, the need arises for additional explanation, Viktor is always available. His speciality is not only metal bravura or spicy Hungarian other artists. The old brickyard proved to be an ideal location for this, with thousands of square me- tres of an irresistible environment. It was also suitable for concerts and theatrical performances. Here the Cold Gallery, which is always open to visitors, emerged. Just as the café is ready to welcome those who are thirsty and, on special oc- casions, those who are hungry, this venue is always seeking cul- tural programmes. Viktor offers them, in addition to insight into contemporary visual art, a handful of authentic performances. Today, Ciglana (Club for fans of heavy industry) is an elite un- derground venue, and this almost oxymoronic title is justified by the profile of the clientele. There are members of the alternative youth, but also businessmen, ambassa- dors and even workers from sur- rounding businesses. Ciglana pro- vides them with that which the
have lost their pur- pose, but which re- main beautiful in their own way, and which have gained the additions of sculptures, paintings, installations, graffiti and so on. Your guide to the overall display, who is also simulta- neously the initia- tor and the creator of the largest number of works, will be Vik- tor Kiss. "Ciglana is based on the 'holy trinity' – studio, cafe and gal- lery", Kiss will point out, listing them in the order that they were all set up. He needed a place to ac- commodate his gi- ant sculptures, as well as the works of
Članovi britanskog benda „Prodidži“, čiji je bekstejdž oplemenio prilikom jednog od beogradskih nastupa, poneli su kući Viktorove skulpture od metalnih cevi i flahova Members of British band The Prodigy, for whom he enriched the backstage during one of their Belgrade performances, took Victor’s metal piping and frame sculptures home with them
tom trojstvu’ – ateljeu, kafani i galeriji“, istaći će Kiss onim re- dom kako je sve bilo i ustanov- ljeno. Kada se ukazala potreba da se negde smeste njegove gigant- ske skulpture, kao i radovi dru- gih autora, to je bio idealan pro- stor. Stara fabrika cigle, na hiljade kvadrata neodoljivog ambijenta, pogodnog i za koncerte i za po- zorišne predstave. Tu je nasta- la Hladna galerija , uvek otvorena za posetioce. Kao što je i kafa- na spremna da ugosti žedne, a u specijalnim prilikama i gladne, a uvek željne kulturnog programa. Stoga im Viktor, osim uvida u sa- vremenu vizuelnu umetnost, nudi i pregršt nastupa autentičnih do- maćih bendova. Danas je Ciglana (Klub ljubi- telja teške industrije) elitno an- dergraund mesto, a ovaj se gotovo oksimoron pravda profilom klijen- tele. Tu ima i alternativne
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