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Kafana, spremna da ugosti žedne, a u specijalnim prilikama i gladne, a uvek željne kulturnog programa The café, ready to welcome those who are thirsty and, on special occasions, those who are hungry, but always those seeking cultural programmes mladeži, ali i biznismena, ambasa- dora, čak i radnika iz okolnih fir- mi. Ciglana im pruža ono što im je elitizacija umetnosti uskratila: dela koja ne moraju da se tuma- če, već ih svako, i okom i srcem, razume. Kissova specijalnost nisu samo bravure od metala, niti pi- kantni mađarski gulaš. On je maj- stor performansa. Brz i vešt da izbrusi i zavari skulpture dok ba- lansira na gredi, mnogo iznad gla- va posetilaca i učesnika koncerta. Da osvoji još malo slobode, koja, kako kaže, manjka u svim sferama društva, čak i najslobodnijoj od svih – umetnosti. Razvoj Ciglane nije primer uspeha preko noći, za njen sta- tus je trebalo mnogo upornog rada. Prvo po raznim gradili- štima, gde je čitavu deceniju Viktor pekao zanat nakon za- vršenog Fakulteta primenjene umetnosti i dizajna u Beogra- du. Od keramike je odustao, uvi- devši draži metala. Potrajalo je i sređivanje zapuštenog industrij- skog i okolnog prostora. Podršku je dobio i od poznatih imena kao što je britanski bend Pro- didži , čiji je bekstejdž oplemenio prilikom jednog od beogradskih na- stupa. Zavirivši u njegov svet skul- ptura od metalnih cevi i flahova, pretočenih u kaiševe i druge forme, a onda u oblike ljudi, životinja, i, re- cimo, džinovskih rolšua, poželeli su da dođu na mesto gde su nastale. Iz toga je proizašla kupovina nekoli- ko radova, ali i iskreno prijateljstvo, oličeno i u toplom uzvratnom go- stoprimstvu u Londonu. Svojim najprestižnijim bren- dom Kiss ipak smatra Festival De- v9et , koji objedinjuje sve priznate i ovom prilikom pridodate umet- ničke discipline. Otud grafiti po trošnim zidovima, skalamerija za- ostala od akrobata, umetnika No- vog cirkusa. Festivalski relikti su i viseće gumene trake, leti u funk- ciji ljuljaški, kao i improvizovani astali po poljani, gde tokom festi- vala prođe desetine hiljada odu- ševljenih gostiju.
Kissova specijalnost nisu samo bravure od metala, niti pikantni mađarski gulaš.
goulash. He is a master of perfor- mance. He is fast and skilful when it comes to polishing and welding sculptures while balancing on a beam, often above the heads of vis- itors and concert participants. He does this to win a little more free- dom, which, he says, is missing in all spheres of society, even in the freest of them all – the arts. The development of Ciglana is not an example of an overnight success, with a lot of hard work be- ing required for it to achieve its status – first of all at the various construction sites where Viktor spent a decade “baking” his trade, after completing his studies at the Faculty of Applied Arts and De- sign in Belgrade. He gave up on ceramics, realising that he prefers metal. Arranging the abandoned industrial facility and the sur- rounding area also took time. “The development of the bar also pro- gressed slowly, so I am thankful to my family, who supported me the whole time,” says Viktor. He also gained the support of famous figures, such as British
band The Prodigy, for whom he enriched the backstage area dur- ing one of their Belgrade perfor- mances. Peering into his world of sculptures made of metal pip- ing and metal frames, flowing in- to belts and other forms, and then into the forms of people, animals, and, for instance, a giant roll- er skate, they wished to visit the place where these works emerged. This resulted in the purchase of a few works, but also in a sincere friendship, embodied in the warm hospitality he received during a return visit to London. However, Kiss considers the Dev9et Festival as being his most prestigious brand, which brings together all recognised – and for this occasion connected – artistic disciplines. This results in graffi- ti on crumbling walls, assembled works left behind by acrobats, art- ists of the New Circus. The festi- val’s relics also include hanging rubber bands, flying in the form of swings, over the field that is oc- cupied by tens of thousands of thrilled people.
On je majstor performansa
Kiss’s speciality
is not only metal bravura or spicy Hungarian goulash. He
is a master of performance
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