Elevate December 2016 | Air Serbia

Da se ne zaboravi / Not to be forgotten


her past, with her having to maintain family by working as a cleaning lady in an inn. The mortal remains of this Serbian heroine were relocated 40 years after her death, with full military and state honours, from the family tomb to the Al- ley of the Greats in Belgrade’s New Cemetery. Thus, at least symbolically, the only woman to be granted the French War Cross with gold palm, and a person- al friend of French President General de Gaulle, was honoured for her epic deeds. In the United States she was recently included on the list of the top 10 female warriors of all time. She left behind a memory that, while Serbia ex- ists, will not fade. She left behind 30 children whom she raised, a street in Belgrade’s Voždovac municipal- ity, and eternal national pride. ženi nosiocu francuskog Ratnog krsta sa zlatnom palmom, ličnoj prijateljici nekadašnjeg francuskog predsednika generala De Gola, ukazana čast za epska dela. Nedavno je u Americi uvršćena na li- stu 10 najvećih žena boraca svih vremena. Za njom je ostalo sećanje, koje, dok je Srbije, neće izbledeti. Ostalo je 30 dece koje je podigla, jedna ulica na Voždovcu i večni nacionalni po- nos.

Ponekad se pitam da li smo zaslužili da Milunka bude naša. Svaki put kad bismo po- mislili da ju je prekrio zaborav, ona bi izronila kao Feniks. A možda je, između osta- log, i postojala da nam pokaže koliko smo je nedostojni. Veliki je izazov i privilegi- ja igrati ovakvu gromadu od svega plemenitog. Ipak, ono što je najvažnije jeste da je ona živ čovek od krvi i mesa, od mana i vrlina, od svega što čoveka čini čovekom, a čovek je veliki koliko ljudski ume da nosi tegobe koje mu život daje. Ona je to i te kako umela. Igrala sam je kao toplu, plemenitu, rodoljubivu ženu, na poseban način dostojanstvena. Srbi mogu biti skloni amneziji, ali Milunka se otela zaboravu, kaže glumica Ljiljana Blagojević, koja u filmu Ono malo časti tumači lik Milunke Savić. Sometimes I wonder if we deserve for her to be “ours”. Every time that we would think she has passed into oblivion, she would emerge as a phoenix. And perhaps she existed, among other things, to show us how unworthy of her we are. It is a great challenge and a privilege to play such a rock of everything noble. However, what is most important is that she was a living human made of flesh and blood, of flaws and virtues, of all that makes a human human. And a human is as big as human minds are to bear the hardships life gives them, and she was really capable of that. I played her as a warm, honest, patriotic, understandable woman; who has justification for all of her troubles, because she is not capable of hating; and who is dignified in a special way. Serbs can be prone to amnesia, but Milunka was rescued from oblivion, says actress Ljiljana Blagojević, who plays the lead role of heroine Milunka Savić in the film “What Little Praise”. ACTRESS LJILJANA BLAGOJEVIĆ WE’RE NOT WORTHY OF HER

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