Antea Arizanović i Jovana Božović iz Beograda pre šest godina su oživele stare, odbačene predmete. Prvo su šoljice nabavljale u antkivarnicama, a onda oslikavale natpise na njima. Po- sle finalne faze, pečenja na visokoj temperaturi, predmeti su se transfor- misali. Takve stare–nove predmete pretvorile su u Remake gift šop . A cup is not just a cup Belgraders Antea Arizanović and Jo- vana Božović decided to revive old, discarded objects six years ago. They first procured cups from antique shops and then painted inscriptions on them. After the final stage, baking at high temperatures, these obje- cts are transformed. These old-new items are transformed at the “Rema- ke” gift shop.
Dve Beograđanke, Jelena Ni- kolić i Nataša Vuković, tač- no pre godinu dana odlučile su da svoju ljubav prema cve- ću prenesu na pravljenje cvet- nih aranžmana upakovanih u kutije. Tako je nastao Box of flowers .
RUČNO PRAVLJENI DRVENI UKRASI Originalne ukrase iz ra- dionice Iris dizajn prave Ana Kurkić, Milica Ivano- vić i Miljana Miletić, arhi- tekte iz Beograda.
Zimi nema ništa lepše ne- go ušuškati se u toplo ćebe. Baš takvo, pod imenom Wo - olnia , izrađuju Vanja i Nenad Čorokalo, bračni par iz Zre- njanina. Prošle godine počeli su da prave vunenu ćebad, šalove i kape. Svi proizvodi su od merino vune, koja sti- že iz Australije i sve se pravi ručno, bez igala. The best of wool There’s nothing better du- ring winter than to snuggle up in a warm blanket. Just such blankets and scarves are made, under the name “Woolnia”, by married cou- ple Vanja and Nenad Čoro- kalo from Zrenjanin. They started making woollen blankets, scarves and hats last year. All of their pro- ducts are made from Meri- no wool, which arrives from Australia, and everything is made by hand, without the use of a needle.
wooden ornaments
Original decorations from the “Iris design” works- hop are made by Ana Kurkić, Milica Ivanović and Miljana Miletić, all architects from Bel- grade.
Fairytale flower arrangements Two Belgrade ladies, Jelena Nikolić and Nataša Vuković, decided exactly a year ago to use their love of flowers to create floral arrange- ments packaged in boxes. That’s how “Box of flowers” was created.
ZA NAJSLAĐE OBROKE Mnogi vole praktične poklo- ne. Metalac posuđe iz Srbije jeste praktično, ali zadovo- ljava i najviše estetske kri- terijume. Iza šerpi u kojima se spremaju najukusnija jela stoji 57 godina iskustva.
For the sweetest meals Many people like practical gifts. Metalac kitchenware from Serbia is practical, but al- so meets the highest aesthe- tic criteria. Some 57 years of experience stands behind pans that are used to make the ta- stiest dishes.
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