Elevate December 2016 | Air Serbia


SASTOJCI • 5 cl džina • 3 cl limunovog soka • 2,5 cl sirupa od maline • belance • suve maline za ukras PRIPREMA U šejkeru izmešajte sve sastojke bez leda. Za- tim procedite koktel u čašu za martini i stavite led. Dekoracija je po že- lji, ali Miloš zbog sirupa od maline kao sastojka ovaj koktel ukrašava su - vim malinama.


• 50ml of gin • 30ml of lemon juice • 25ml of raspberry syrup • Egg whites • Dried raspberries for decoration PREPARATION Mix all of the ingredients in a shaker without ice. Then strain the cocktail into a martini glass and add ice. Decorate as desired, but Mi- loš decorates this one with dried raspberries, due to the inclusion of raspberry syrup as an ingredient.


• 30ml of rum • 20ml of banana liqueur • 20ml of maple syrup • 50ml of pineapple juice • ice PREPARATION All of the ingredients are mi- xed in a shaker, with ice ad- ded at the end. In recent ye- ars it has been trendy to serve cocktails in these ce- ramic glasses, which are de- corated with carved figures resembling those that come from Polynesia and Hawa- ii. That is no accident, be- cause the culture of cocktails comes precisely from tho- se parts of the world. The- se cocktails usually have a sweet taste and it is manda- tory for them to be prepared with rum.

• 2 cl likera od banane • 2 cl sirupa od javora • 5 cl soka od ananasa • led PRIPREMA Svi sastojci se mućkaju u šejkeru i na kraju se dodaje led. Poslednjih godina u trendu je da se kokteli služe u ovim keramičkim čaša - ma koje po sebi imaju izrezbarene figure na- lik onim koje potiču iz Polinezije ili sa Hava- ja. To nije slučajno, jer kultura koktela poti- če upravo iz tih delo- va sveta. Ti kokteli su uglavnom slatkog uku- sa i obavezno se pri- premaju s rumom.

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