Frilenser među šefovima Freelance chef
Nisu svi ljubitelji divljači, ali oni koji to jesu pred ovakvim specijalitetom neće ostati ravnodušni, kaže Jovica Not everyone likes game meat, but those who do will not be left indifferent by this kind of speciality, says Jovica Jovica Jovičić
Srnetina s crnom trubom Venison with black trumpet mushrooms
POTREBNO JE 250 g srnećih leđa 100 g pečuraka crne trube maslac 20 ml konjaka 3 kašike supe ZA PIRE OD BUNDEVE 200 g bundeve 50 krompira so biber maslinovo ulje
INGREDIENTS 250g of venison loin 100g of black trumpet mushrooms butter 20ml of cognac 3 tablespoons of soup stock FOR PUMPKIN PUREE 200g of pumpkin 50g of potatoes salt pepper olive oil
PREPARATION First skin the venison loin. This will require a good, sharp kni- fe. Then rinse the meat and place in a garlic soak. The me- at should be left to soak for at least two days. Then remo- ve the venison loin, drain, and rub with salt and pepper. If the venison is farmed it need not be soaked. Fry the meat on all sides in a frying pan with a little oil. Then, along with the liqu- id in which it was fried, tran- sfer the meat to an ovenproof dish or baking tray and roast for 40-60 minutes on a medi- um heat with occasional ba-
PRIPREMA Prvo sa srnećih leđa skini- te kožu. Za to vam treba do- bar, oštar nož. Nakon toga isperite meso, pa ga stavite u pac od belog luka. U tom pacu treba da odstoji naj- manje dva dana. Srneća le- đa izvadite, ocedite, pa me- so natrljajte solju i biberom. Ukoliko je srnetina iz uzga- jališta, ne morate da je stav- ljate u pac. U tiganju, na malo ulja, sr- neća leđa prepecite sa svih strana. Nakon toga ih, za- jedno s tečnošću u kojoj su se pekla, prebacite u vatro- stalnu posudu ili pleh i peci-
sting. Roast until the meat is browned. Fry the black trumpet mu- shrooms in butter, flambé wi- th cognac, add a little soup stock and leave on the he- at until everything is nicely braised. Cook the pumpkin with the potatoes, then mash together with salt and pepper. Cut the roast venison into three pieces and arrange on a plate accompanied by the mashed pumpkin, sprinkle the black trumpet mushrooms over the top and drizzle wi- th olive oil.
te 40–60 minuta na srednjoj temperaturi uz povremeno prelivanje. Pecite dok meso ne porumeni. Crne trube prepecite na ma- slacu, flambirajte ih konja- kom, pa dodajte malo supe i ostavite na vatri dok se sve lepo ne udinsta. Bundevu skuvajte s krompi- rom, pa izblendirajte zajed- no sa solju i biberom. Pečenu srnetinu isecite na tri komada, pored nje, na ta- njiru, servirajte pire od bun- deve, odozgo pobacajte crne trube i prelijte maslino- vim uljem.
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