−− Valvetrain noise −− Gear and chain noise
−− Overview of common automotive noise issues and their control • Team Discussion: Learning Assessment activity, and Adjournment
• Powertrain & Driveline Noise Sources I −− Transmission noise and shift quality −− Driveline gear and bending noise −− Axle noise control −− Manual transmission noise • Elastomer Properties and Tuned Mass Dampers −− Material testing and characterization −− Tuned mass dampers: Design and applications • Powertrain Instrumentation Workshop (evening) DAY THREE • Powertrain & Driveline Noise Sources II −− Powertrain noise and vibration paths −− Structural modes −− Driveline arrangements and disturbances • Engine Mounting Systems −− Engine mount types and functions −− Vibration isolation and transmissibility −− Isolation targets and frame consideration −− Hydromounts • Accessory Drive Noise and Vibration −− Belt and tensioner noise −− Alternator noise −− Steering system noise −− Cooling system quieting • Both tracks combined OEM Facility Tour (evening)
Alan Stuart Ph.D; Michael Albright Gabriella Cerrato; Mike Grimmer; Art Howie Tom Reinhart; Pranab Saha Ph.D. P.E. INCE Board Certified
Fee: $3550
4 CEUs
Vehicle Noise Control Engineering Academy - Vehicle Interior Noise 5 Day | Classroom Seminar I.D.# ACAD01 This Engineering Academy covers a variety of vehicle noise control engineering principles and practices. Two specialty tracks are available: Vehicle Interior Noise and Powertrain Noise. While the Powertrain Noise track focuses on NVH issues generated by powertrain noise sources and the design strategies to minimize them, the Vehicle Interior Noise track focuses on the understanding and application of acoustical materials to optimize NVH in the passenger or operator compartment of a vehicle. Considerable attention is given to current measurement and instrumentation technologies and their Practical Component This Academy includes several equipment demonstrations and hands-on lab sessions. Specific instrumentation suppliers have been selected for an instrumentation workshop on one evening. There is also a field trip to one of the OEM’s noise and vibration facility in the metro Detroit area. Through these activities, you become acquainted with relevant instrumentation, measurement protocols, and problem solving strategies. Learning Objectives By attending this Academy, you will be able to: • Define vehicle acoustics engineering terminology and principles • Identify available acoustical materials and determine their optimum application • Formulate a systematic approach to problem solving and measurement • Conduct appropriate performance verification tests • Analyze the contributing vehicle noise sources when devising noise solutions • Produce valid measurements with noise instrumentation and accurately interpret results
DAY FOUR • NVH Signal Processing I
−− Sampling Fundamentals: Windows, Leakage and Aliasing −− Calculating and Interpreting Spectral Analysis Functions — Autopower; Crosspower; Derivative Functions: H1, H2, Coherence −− Rotating Machinery Techniques — Order Tracking; Adaptive Re-sampling • NVH Signal Processing II −− Multi-Input Multi-Output System Analysis with Applications — Operating Deflection Shapes; Forces and Sources −− Intro to Time/Frequency Analysis — Spectrogram methods and interpretation; Time/Frequency filtering for rotating machinery; Wavelets made simple • Both tracks combined - Instrumentation Wrokshop/Demo (evening)
DAY FIVE • Diesel Engine Noise Sources and Control −− Combustion excitation in diesel engines −− Mechanical forcing functions −− Reducing diesel engine noise • System Integration −− Combining sub-systems and components
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