Topical Outline DAY ONE • Introduction −− Evaporative and refueling emission control system −− Why and how to control fuel vapor emissions • Fuel and Fuel Vapor Pressure −− Hydrocarbon fuels −− Oxygenated fuels and non-ideal solutions −− Estimation of vapor pressures of ideal (hydrocarbon fuels) and non-ideal solutions (oxygenated fuels) −− Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV) and fuel commingling −− Vapor pressure and boiling point estimation • Fuel Vapor Generation −− Diurnal, hot-soak, running loss −− Refueling - liquid seal and mechanical seal, hot tank/ cold dispensed fuel, cold tank/hot dispensed fuel, RVP, air entrainment and vapor recirculation, etc. −− Effect of altitude on vapor generation and fuel boiling in running loss test −− Effect of oxygenates on fuel vapor generation and fuel boiling in running loss test −− Adsorbents and isotherms −− Activated carbons −− Adsorption/desorption phenomena −− Canister vapor loading, purging, redistribution, and back-purge −− Canister design • Evaporative and Refueling Emission Control System Design −− Test procedures - EPA & CARB 3-day test, EPA-ORVR, EPA & CARB 2-day test, ECE and other global EVAP test procedures, etc. −− Canister sizing - determine optimum size −− Purge air volume requirement • Miscellaneous Evaporative Emission Control Topics −− Hybrid and plug-in hybrid evaporative emission control −− Pressurized/sealed and bladder fuel tank for evaporative emission control −− Evap OBD II leak detection −− Permeation losses - effects of materials, temperature, fuel composition, etc. DAY TWO • Carbon Canisters
Exhaust Flow Performance and Pressure Drop of Exhaust Components and Systems 1 Day | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C0235 Designing more efficient and robust emission control components and exhaust systems results in more efficient performance, reduced backpressure and fuel penalty, and higher conversion efficiency. This course will help you to understand the motion of exhaust flow in both gasoline and diesel emission control components including flow-through and wall-flow devices such as catalytic converters, NOx adsorbers, diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters as well as flow through the overall exhaust system. Discussions will also cover: flow recirculation in inlet cones, flow maldistribution and its effect on conversion efficiency in flow throughs, non-uniform particulate deposit in diesel filters, and roots of non-uniformity in flow distribution due to exhaust system design such as bends. • Describe how exhaust stream is distributed in flow-throughs in gasoline or in diesel emission components and in wall-flow components (catalytic converters, NOx adsorbers, DOC, diesel particulate filters), including in inlet cones, exit cones, bends, elbows, flow constrictions, and in other components of an exhaust system • Design exhaust systems yielding higher conversion efficiency, lower backpressure, faster light-off, and optimal performance • Design diesel particulate filter systems yielding more uniform soot distribution in filters, thus lowering both filter backpressure and its peak regeneration temperature • Describe connections between flow distribution and thermal performance such as light-off and radial and axial temperature gradients Who Should Attend This seminar is intended for engineers, managers, designers, researchers and technical associates who wish to gain deeper insight into developments and optimization of exhaust systems and components. This also includes professionals involved with catalyst and emission components and exhaust sensors. Prerequisites Any professional with a technical insight (and not necessarily a technical education) will be capable of comprehending most or all of the course content. Topical Outline • Flow-throughs (e.g. catalytic converters or NOx adsorbers) −− The basics: flow distribution; roots of and various contributors to pressure drop; effect of geometry; effect of surface area, length and diameter; role of catalyst; etc. Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to:
Instructor: Fee: $1415
Sam Reddy
1.3 CEUs
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at sae.org/corplearning | Email us at corplearn@sae.org
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