2019 SAE Corporate Learning GV Resource Guide - P18294612


−− Six vehicle operational conditions where EDR speed is not ground speed, including wheel slip during heavy braking −− Three vehicle equipment modifications that make speed data inaccurate −− Data latency and other data limitations like resolution, truncation or rounding to the resolution, exceeding maximum values, and default values −− Data accuracy test data/literature review −− Speed at impact drills −− Accelerator pedal release and brake application −− Using Delta V to obtain closing speed and impact speed −− Delta V data accuracy DAY TWO • GM EDR families - data availability and limitations, and case studies −− Using Longitudinal Delta V to get speed at impact in angular collisions −− Using speed data in critical speed yaw single vehicle crashes; transforming speed vs time into speed vs. distance to impact −− Reconciling EDR data to scene evidence and evaluating uncertainty in inline collisions −− Multiple events - which event is my recording from? • Ford EDR families - data availability and limitations, and case studies −− Ford PCM - evaluating when criminal or negligent behavior occurs, transforming speed vs time data to speed vs distance and overlaying on map to evaluate sight lines −− Ford ACM - using Delta V in inline collisions and stability control system longitudinal acceleration data to determine real time drag factor DAY THREE • Chrysler EDR families - data availability and limitations, and case studies −− Using acceleration data to calculate Delta V −− Using yaw angle data to sub-topic • Toyota EDR families - data availability and limitations, and case studies −− Using RPM and Delta V to determine speed when actual speed is above data limitation −− Data latency • Honda, Mazda, and other manufacturer EDR families (to the

• Calculate min and max speeds prior to loss of control or braking, and at impact based on the last accurate EDR pre- crash speed data point. • Evaluate EDR vs. actual ground speed for specific vehicle operational conditions and vehicle equipment modifications. • Calculate speed at impact and closing speeds by combining EDR Delta V data with normally collected scene and vehicle data such as post crash travel distance, departure angle, drag factor, and vehicle weights. • Apply data to inline rear end, head on, and angular collisions. • Reconcile EDR data with other physical evidence and combine to narrow speed ranges. • Use time-distance and overlay EDR data on scene maps/ diagrams to show where critical driving inputs were made vs. inputs required to avoid collisions. Who Should Attend This course is a must for anyone involved in the investigation and analysis of passenger car and light truck crashes who needs to understand the types of event data that are available, the limitations of that data, and how to apply it to a collision reconstruction and reconcile it with data from other sources. In addition, this course can be valuable to insurance adjusters and claims managers, and attorneys handling automotive collisions. Engineers designing EDR’s to meet part 563 regulations may also benefit from understanding how the data they store will be used. New analysts requiring training, as well as experienced analysts who require information on changing technology and federal regulations will find this course relevant and timely. Prerequisites An undergraduate degree in mechanical or electrical engineering or a strong technical background is highly recommended. A basic knowledge of college physics (Newton’s laws of motion) and calculus (integrals of acceleration into velocity), and a familiarity with passenger cars and light trucks is expected. Experience or training in crash reconstruction, including acceleration and drag factors, slide-to-stop calculations, and momentum analysis are very helpful, and awareness of critical speed yaw and crush energy calculations will help increase your level of understanding of this material. Topical Outline DAY ONE • Overview −− Case Study - vision of success −− Overview - EDR data availability by manufacturer by model and model year −− 49 CFR Part 563 EDR regulation timing and contents • EDR Data Analysis −− Rules of recording and data limitations - Is this recording from my crash, and which of my multiple events is this recording(s) from? −− Speed data accuracy

extent they are known at the time of the class) • EDR data admissibility technical foundation

Instructor: Fee: $1795

Richard R. Ruth

2 CEUs




3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529  |  Fill out the online quote request at sae.org/corplearning  |  Email us at corplearn@sae.org

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