2019 SAE Corporate Learning GV Resource Guide - P18294612


• Use various methods to analyze power electronics circuits • Discuss the basic operation, losses and efficiency of the power electronics converter • Describe power electronics circuits used in different applications • Relate the practical issues in power electronics circuit design • Explain the application requirements of converters in a given system • Identify the subsystems of the power electronics in different xEV platforms • Identify the passive and active technology requirements to manage the power electronics system thermally • Describe the future power electronics technologies for the upcoming xEV applications Who Should Attend This course will provide a fundamental understanding of power electronics to different engineering groups and job functions. Anyone who is involved with automotive industry design, development and manufacturing needs to have some knowledge of power electronics, particularly for xEVs automotive applications. Individuals involved in product development and management, applications engineering, marketing, business development, thermal/packaging, and testing will all benefit from a basic understanding of power electronics for today’s modern vehicle applications. Prerequisites Individuals should have at least an associate’s degree in an engineering field or a bachelor’s degree in a non-engineering field with a basic understanding of automotive engineering or relevant experience in automotive or an electronics design/manufacturing industry.

• Interlock Systems and System Types, Location, Circuits, Operation, Failure Modes and Diagnostics −− Serial Interlock −− Local (component) Interlock

−− Testing and Diagnosing of Interlock Systems −− Use of standard and special tools for testing

Active and Passive Bus Discharge Systems, Location, Circuits, Operation, Failure Modes and Diagnostics • Bus Discharge Active Circuit Operation • Bus Discharge Passive Circuit Operation • High Voltage Battery Contactor Control with Bus Discharge Systems

• Testing and Diagnosing Bus Discharge Systems • Use of standard and special tools for testing

Isolation Fault Detection Systems, Circuits, Operation, and Diag- nostics • DC Detection System Operation • AC Detection System Operation • Diagnostics associated with Isolation Fault Systems • Use of standard and special tools for testing

Instructor: Fee: $835

Mark Quarto

.7 CEUs



Introduction to Power Electronics in Automotive Applications 1 Day | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C1871

Topical Outline • Definition/Application of Power Electronics −− Introduction to ICE and xEVs −− What is power electronics? −− Power electronics in automotive applications −− Linear regulation, classic power control −− PWM control concept −− Switching power supply • Basic converter topologies −− DC-DC converters −− AC-DC converters −− DC-AC converters −− AC-AC converters • Practical application of DC-DC converters

Modern power electronics (PE) devices and circuits are now in widespread use in automotive and non-automotive applications. The purpose of this course is to give an overall introduction to the key aspects of power electronic circuits, components and design in automotive applications. Topics covered include power semicon- ductor devices, their characteristics and operation, and their use in power electronics circuits. Techniques for analyzing and designing switch-mode power supplies, DC-DC converters, power rectifiers, static power inverters and universal power supplies are examined, along with electric machines, motors and transformers, and their associated power electronics drive requirements. The course also gives an overview of the electrical power system and power systems analysis, in the context of power electronics applications in automotive platforms. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this seminar, participants will be able to: • Identify the components of power electronics and describe their key characteristics

−− Buck converter −− Boost converter −− Buck-Boost converter • Isolated DC-DC converters

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