Wake Forest Comprehensive Transportation Plan - Dec. 2021


Previous Plans 2010 Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) The 2010 CTP provided a long-term vision for multi- modal transportation for the Town. The 2019 CTP will supersede that report. 2009 Open Space and Greenway Plan The 2002 (updated 2009) Open Space & Greenway Plan starts with goals adapted from prior planning initiatives and its sections are structured like the CTP. Sections on benefits, history, and existing conditions are followed by recommendations framed around scenic corridors. Specific constraints and opportunities are noted and some information may need to be reevaluated and updated accordingly. Implementation actions, costs, project status, and priority will also need to be updated. 2009 Community Plan The Community Plan (2009) is referenced in the 2010 Transportation Plan, specifically the 15 vision statements emphasized throughout both plans. The Transportation section (page 123) is the most directly relevant section, but other sections contain important considerations such as street trees and lighting in the Appearance section. The interconnectivity of trails to schools, parks, and residences is noted as a priority. Street spacing (one mile for major streets), access control measures, preservation, and favoring character over wider streets are notable recommendations. Design recommendations for active modes, and support for compact development for transit, should also be reviewed prior to making recommendations in the CTP.

Unified Development Ordinance 2013 The 2013 Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is not a plan, but represents the Town’s primary tool for implementing its plans and policies. The UDO for Wake Forest is relatively robust, with development regulations and standards addressing connectivity and bicycle parking not always seen in municipalities of its size. Other sections that are pertinent to, and should be reviewed for the CTP include: streetscaping, traffic impact analyses, sidewalk/bicycle designs, and signage standards. 2006 Pedestrian Plan & 2008 Bicycle Plan The 2006 Pedestrian Plan provides a vision and framework for a comprehensive pedestrian network within the Town. The plan analyzes existing conditions, plans and policies. Recommendations are developed with accompanying design guidelines and program and policy recommendations. Implementation strategies are also prepared. The 2008 Bicycle Plan was the first comprehensive bicycle plan for the Town. The Plan analyzes existing conditions, policies, plans, and programs. Short-term, medium-term, and long-term recommendations are developed for projects and programs. Most project recommendations are concentrated on major roadways, with limited recommendations on local roadways. Proposed facility types include bicycle lanes, wide striped shoulders, sharrows, multi-use paths, and greenways. Wake Forest Parks, Recreation, Cultural Resources Master Plan 2015 This Plan provides a ten-year vision for park, recreational, and cultural resources through 2025. It provides an assessment of existing facilities, community needs, and recommendations to meet the needs of the Town. The creation of greenway and trail networks is a key recommendation.

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