Wake Forest Comprehensive Transportation Plan - Dec. 2021


Population and Employment Projections Revised socio-economic data was entered into the TRM to accurately assess future roadway congestion. The TRM uses Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) to summarize residents, employees and trips to and from that area. TAZs are groups of Census Blocks. Click on a TAZ on the map to see what socio-economic data was changed.

Map 2-16 | 2013 Employment Density

Map 2-17 | 2045 Employment Density

source: Triangle Regional Model

source: Triangle Regional Model

This map shows the projected change in Employment Density between 2013 and 2045. Employment is expected to increase by 53% from 12,936 workers in 2013 to 19,778 workers in 2045 - based on revised TRM data.

People Per Acre

4+ >2 - 4 >1 - 2 0 - 1

Existing Conditions | 33

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