Wake Forest Comprehensive Transportation Plan - Dec. 2021



Bicycle Network The recommended on-street bike network includes bike lanes and sharrows. Bike lanes are typically one-way treatments that carry cyclists in the same direction as adjacent vehicles. On-street bike facilities are marked with signage and pavement striping and markings. Bicycle lanes allow cyclists of different skill levels to ride at a comfortable speed. Pedestrian Network The recommended off-street pedestrian network includes greenway and multi-use paths. Both are 10-foot or wider hard surface paths that support both bikes and pedestrians but are in different locations. Multi-use paths run parallel to the roadways and generally in the public right-of-way. Multi-use paths are typically found on roadways classified as a collector or higher. Greenways are typically found along existing stream corridors or in the Town park system. Town maintained public greenways are located in public greenway easements or on Town owned property.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Future Network Recommendations Bicycle and pedestrian recommendations were made with the priority of filling in gaps in the existing network, adding facilities within the existing roadway network, and ensuring bicycle and pedestrian facilities are included for new roadway connections.

42 | Bicycle & Pedestrian

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