Communities of Concern The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) uses Block Group-level data from the US Census American Community Survey to look for concentrations of classes protected under Title VI. These “communities of concern” (CofC’s) represent where potential concentrations of protected populations exist. These information is used to target special outreach and evaluate the relative benefit/burden of transportation investments from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) or State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This map shows the overlap between transit service (existing and future) and areas with one or more Communities of Concern indicators. These communities have a potentially higher propensity to use transit for their daily needs. The areas north and east of Downtown Wake Forest have a larger concentration of Communities of Concern indicators. These areas are not adequately served by existing transit services. Even the future transit services, as planned, will not reach these communities. A preliminary assessment indicates that with minor changes, Route 2L can be extended to serve the areas in northwest Wake Forest. This may benefit people making shopping trips to S Main Street, and medical trips to WakeMed Hospital. The reverse bus loop can be also be planned to include these under-served areas. Further studies are required to assess different ways to provide transit service to these neighborhoods. There should be a study conducted to explore options to bridge the public transport gap between Wake Forest and Rolesville. This study should include alternative services like demand-response and flexible routing.
Map 5-4 | Communities of Concern Indicators
source: CAMPO
Communities of Concern Indicators
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The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) uses Block Group-level data from the US Census American Community Survey to look for concentrations of classes protected under Title VI. These “communities of concern” (CofC’s) represent where potential concentrations of protected populations exist.
58 | Transit
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