2018 FWPD Annual Report

Strategic Plan Implementation

The Fort Worth Police Department is currently in the third year of implementing the FY17-FY21 Strategic Plan. The plan includes departmental and community priorities and includes over 500 goals and action items pertaining to the three Bu- reaus: Patrol, Support, and Finance/Personnel and the four following Strategic Directions: 1. Professionalism and Organizational Excellence 2. Community Engagement and Partnerships 3. Operational Improvements 4. Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion The goals and action items are reviewed and progress is tracked monthly using the web-based ClearPoint software. Updates are posted monthly on the department’s website here.

Implementation Progress

Eleven percent of all action items and bureau goals have been “completed”, and 60 percent are “on target” to be accomplished by their estimated completion date. “On target” items may also be ongoing items con- tinuously being implemented by the department. Fifty-four items are “lagging”, 14 items have “insufficient progress”, and 94 items are being “monitored”.

Complete - 59

On Target - 337

Lagging– 54

Insufficient Progress - 14

Monitoring - 94

Numbers indicate the amount of goals and action items in each category.

For the 2 year Strategic Plan Implementation Progress Report visit our website: www.https://police.fortworthtexas.gov/Public/strategic-plan


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