2018 FWPD Annual Report

Operational Highlights Support Bureau

Crime Lab Award

On May 24, the Fort Worth Police Department’s Crime Lab was recognized for receiving the 2018 Foresight Maximus Award. The award was presented by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors and recognizes the top performing forensic laboratories in the world based on Foresight business metrics. Metrics include work processes, linking financial information to work tasks, and functions.

NIBIN Results in More Leads FWPD hired personnel to oversee the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN). NIBIN is a national database of digital images of spent bullets and cartridge cases that were found at crime scenes or test-fired from confiscated weapons. Firearms Examiners and Technicians enter cartridge casing evidence

into the system, which are correlated against the database. Law enforcement can search against evidence from their jurisdiction, neighboring ones, and others across the country. The FWPD has long utilized the database, but until 2017 did not have dedicated staff to enter cartridge and casing evidence into the system. Below is recent NIBIN data that shows how dedicating personnel to NIBIN results in more leads. 2008-2015: Total of 650 Entries with 16 Leads

2016: Total of 250 Entries with 8 Leads 2017: Total of 514 Entries with 24 Leads 2018: Total of 2,055 Entries with 101 Leads

2018 Mitch Poe Award

Detective Domingo Martinez was presented the 2018 Mitch Poe Award by the Tar- rant County Sexual Abuse Advisory Council. This award is given to a professional who distinguishes himself or herself as a passionate defender of victims of sexual abuse with services on behalf of the victims such as: increasing public awareness, assisting other service professionals, providing treatment for victims, lobbying for legislative changes on behalf of victims, and helping victims of sexual abuse receive fair treat- ment in the judicial process. Great work Detective Martinez!


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