Methuen Festival of Trees 2023 Program Book

:KRFRXOGKDYHLPDJLQHGZKHQZHVHWXSWKHYHU\ÀUVWWUHH\HDUVDJR in the Great Hall of the Nevins Memorial Library that we’d be here today? Who would have dreamed that our efforts to save Methuen’s historic Ten- ney Gate House would ultimately result in the investment of more than $2 million in historic preservation in Methuen and throughout New England? As an organization, we couldn’t be prouder of this landmark achievement – 30 years of presenting the most exciting and successful holiday event in our community! However, we know this success would never be possible without the thousands of generous tree donors and countless dedicated vol- unteers who have stepped-up over these many years to help us Share the Magic of the Festival of Trees! For so many, the Festival has become an important part of their holiday traditions, The children of 1994 are now bringing their children to experi- ence the creativity and beauty of the trees and to share their Christmas wish list with Santa! 7RGD\ZKHWKHUWKLVLV\RXUYHU\ÀUVWYLVLWWRWKH)HVWLYDORU\RX·UHYLVLW - ing for the 30th year, you are joining the literally hundreds of thousands of individuals have experienced this magical event! We hope you’ll enjoy your visit and we wish you a joyous holiday season. Welcome to the 30th Annual Festival of Trees!

Thomas R. Lussier President

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