

L’Héritage participe au triathlon de Cornwall

Plusieurs élèves de l’École secondaire publique L’Héritage ainsi que Carl Dussault, directeur, (deuxième de gauche) ont participé au triathlon de Cornwall, qui avait lieu à ’institution le 24 août dernier. Il est entouré des participants Jean Juneau, Tyanna Hunt, Olivier Juneau et Eric Génier.

SD&G horse tests positive for EEEV An unvaccinated horse in the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glen- garry has tested positive for the Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV). The virus is normally found in wild birds but can occasionally spread to horses and humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. While a vaccine exists for hors- es, there is none for humans. Therefore, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is issuing a reminder to everyone to take precautions against mosquito bites. “Al- though there’s never been a reported human case of Eastern equine encephalitis in Ontario, it’s a very serious disease at all ages and can even cause death. For this reason, we urge all residents to protect themselves against mosquito bites,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, medical o#cer of health for EOHU. “The Health Unit moni- tors mosquito pools for West Nile virus and EEEV, and surveillance is being inc- reased as a precaution.”There have been no positive pools yet in 2014, however Dr. Roumeliotis points out that most cases occur in late summer and early fall, and reminds residents that mosquitoes remain active until the "rst frost. Team Cornwall golf tournament The popular Team Cornwall, Mayor and Council Golf Fun Day will be held on Sep- tember 10 at Summerheights Golf Links and organizers say, tickets will sell fast! The tournament attracts over 150 golfers each year to a day "lled with sport, fun and networking. “This tournament is the one everyone looks forward to each year,” said Peter Gault, Chair of Team Cornwall. “It is a great opportunity for our members to do a little networking and show their out-of-town guests why we are excited about our community.” The tournament features a continental breakfast, followed by a Shotgun Start at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be included, as well as a bu!et supper.. Regis- tration is available online at the Team Cornwall website. Team Cornwall’s objective is to promote the city’s positive attributes. The proceeds of the tournament will go towards the costs of Team Cornwall’s ambassadorial e!orts. Séance d’information Le bureau de la gre#ère anime une séance d’information à l’intention de toutes les personnes souhaitant présenter leur candidature aux élections municipales et scolaires en octobre prochain. La séance se tiendra le jeudi 4 septembre, de 18h à 21h, dans le Salon A du Complexe civique. On y abordera les modèles de gou- vernance, les rôles et les responsabilités des membres du conseil, des exigences au chapitre du temps, du processus électoral et des règles et des règlements en matière de "nancement des campagnes. «Il s’agit d’une excellente possibilité d’ap- prentissage pour les candidats déclarés et ceux qui songent à présenter leur candi- dature, a indiqué la gre#ère Helen Finn. Les participants acquièrent une meilleure compréhension des rouages du gouvernement municipal et des obligations et res- ponsabilités associées au rôle de représentant élu.»

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