NCAI-IGA Taskforce Nov 2023

T AX F AIRNESS FOR T RIBAL E CONOMIC D EVELOPMENT AND G ROWTH ❖ Formally Acknowledge the Federal Tax-Exempt Status of Tribally Chartered Corporations Wholly, Jointly, or Majority Owned by a

❖ Modernize the Licensed Indian Traders Regulations: to protect tribal governments from the harmful effects of state dual taxation and interference and promote tribal self-determination, economic development, and self-sufficiency ( DOI, WH ). ❖ Expand TTAC’s Scope of Advisory Responsibility to All Treasury Department Activities and Programs: to ensure they support and advance tribal self-determined economic activities ( Treasury ). ❖ Provide Permanency and Dedicated Funding to Treasury’s Office of Tribal and Native Affairs: to ensure Indian Country’s needs and priorities are understood and addressed by top-level policymakers across the Department; Treasury should seek ample, long-term funding for the Office ( Treasury ). ❖ Build on Recent Efforts by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to Streamline Mortgage and Title Processes on Tribal Trust Lands : by conducting ongoing trainings of federal staff, tribal leaders, and lenders and adopting policies and procedures to ensure full implementation of the Indian Affairs Mortgage Handbook ; also provide Tribal Nations digital access to land title records for land management, tracking, and general reference purposes through the Trust Asset and Accounting Management System ( DOI ). ❖ Abandon DOE’s Improper Interpretation of “Double Dipping” that Prevents Tribal Nations from Accessing Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program Funding: to fulfill congressional intent to raise tribal energy project investments through loan guarantees ( DOE ). ❖ Properly Enforce the Inter-Agency MOA Governing Public Law 102-477: to enable Tribal Nations and intertribal consortia to merge federal funding sources for economic and workforce development to advance their long-range priorities without unlawful federal agency interference ( DOI, WH ). ❖ Produce the Long-Overdue American Indian Population and Labor Force Report: in partnership with Tribal Nations; this report, which DOL is legally required to produce every two years, also should prioritize the use of tribally generated data ( DOL ). ❖ Authorize Native CDFIs to Administer Farm Service Agency/Rural Development Direct Funding: Increased credit access, flexible terms, and higher limits will catapult Native ag production ( USDA ). ❖ Modify Regional Agricultural Promotion Program Funding Formula and Increase Funding Eligibility to Support Intertribal Food Trade: to foster greater tribal producer participation ( USDA ).

Tribal Nation : Conferring this status is supported by federal treaties, laws, and policies, and would enhance the growth and competitiveness of tribal enterprises, which provide jobs, income, and services to tribal citizens ( IRS, Treasury ). ❖ Ensure Tribal General Welfare Exclusion (GWE) Act Regulations Adhere to Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee (TTAC) Priorities: and provide maximum deference to Tribal Nations in developing GWE programs and standards. Treasury’s consultation on the TTAC Dual Taxation Report also should inform Treasury’s approach to designing and implementing Indian Country tax policies ( Treasury ). L AND AND E NERGY DEVELOPMENT ❖ Increase Tribal Adoption of HEARTH Act Leasing Regulations: through expanded outreach to/training of tribal leaders and staff about how to develop these regulations and for what economic purposes ; conduct a comprehensive assessment of the program’s first decade in existence to identify areas for improvement ( DOI ). ❖ Ensure Indian Country Receives Its Fair Share of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) Dollars: given the acute climate change impacts and clean energy needs of Native communities and the automatic designation of tribal lands as qualified low-income/ disadvantaged communities, which merit Native-led applicants receiving priority in awarding GGRF Clean Communities Investment Accelerator and Solar for All program funds ( EPA ). I NFRASTRUCTURE AND W ORKFORCE D EVELOPMENT ❖ Issue the Remaining Tribal Priority Window 2.5 GHz Licenses and Auction 108 Licenses: through permanent licensing to increase coverage and capacity in rural tribal areas and enhance Tribal Nations’ development of spectrum-based opportunities ( FCC ). ❖ Initiate Consultation with Tribal Nations to Co-Design a Plan to Improve the Accuracy of Broadband Data Mapping on Tribal Lands: to ensure the federal government’s effective allocation of resources to expand broadband deployment in Indian Country for economic and other purposes ( FCC ). G ROWING N ATIVE F OOD E CONOMIES ❖ Secure Native Representation on USDA-USTR Trade Advisory Committees: Currently, no tribal interests are represented on any of the seven USDA-USTR Trade Advisory Committees; this representation is vital to facilitating the participation and advancing the interests of tribal producers in joint USDA-USTR trade initiatives ( USDA, USTR ). S MALL B USINESS D EVELOPMENT ❖ Expedite Full Implementation of the Native American Business Incubators Program Act: by awarding grants to new applicants to expand Native business development and ensuring Act-mandated interagency coordination ( DOI, USDA, Commerce, Treasury, SBA ) F OSTERING I NTERNATIONAL N ATIVE C OMMERCE ❖ Launch Initiative to Implement Indigenous-Focused Provisions in 2020 United States-United Mexican States-Canada (USMCA) Trade Agreement: Convene a special listening session with tribal governments and national Native organizations to assist USTR with developing a comprehensive strategy for supporting the exercise of Indigenous peoples’ rights as recognized in the USMCA ( USTR ).

❖ Increase Allocations of Minority Business Development Agency and SBA 7(j) Grant Funding to Native Businesses and Business Assistance Providers: to enhance the growth of those businesses and their ability to secure government contracts ( Commerce, SBA ).

❖ Focus the 2024 USMCA Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Dialogue on Enhancing International Commerce Involving Native Nations and Businesses: to develop targeted federal strategies (such as including Native representatives on U.S. foreign trade missions) to expand international commerce involving tribal enterprises and Native-owned businesses ( USTR ).


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