King's Business - 1947-08


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Do Not Miss the 1947 Biola Baccalaureate Message on Page Nine

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Daniel Rose« Director Trustee Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, C hurch of the Open Door The Bible Institute of •Los Angeles maintains a Jewish Department whose ministry deals with the preaching of the Gospel to God’s ancient people» Israel. From this of­ fice go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to in­ terest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish peo­ ple and inviting them to the meet­ ings. Teams of students hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be secured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower audi­ torium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meeting is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish De­ partment, and to support this min­ istry by your prayers and gifts.

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Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Editor in Chief

Copyright, 19^7, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 38 August 1947 No. 8

THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST Swiftly and surely comes the day When I shall keep a tryst, The focal point of all my life, The judgment seat of Christ. Shall I approach that throne with dread, With fear, and stark dismay? What will confront me, what be read About me on that day? I shall not stand a prisoner, Who waits with bated breath To hear the sentence of the Judge, If it be life or death; All this was settled long ago. But rather I shall stand A servant, waiting judgment on The work of heart and hand. The works in which my soul took pride May there be judged as hay, And burned as chaff and stubble on That all-revealing day. O may there be some little deed, Some word for Him I said, Some work the Spirit energized, Some earnest prayer I prayed, Something entirely free from self, Or hope of gain, or pride, Works done for love of Him alone— These only shall abide. How would I feel if I should have No crown of gold to give, To lay before the feet of Him Who died that I might live? May I live my remaining days Remembering that tryst Which I must keep with Him before The Judgment seat of Christ! —Martha Snell Nicholson From tho book "Iv o r y P a lace *."

CONTENTS Editorially Speaking...................................................................................... 4 Blessed Assurances, Louis T. Talbot,,D.D ................................................. 6 The Heavenly Vision, K. Owen White, D .D ........................................... 9 The Bible, Matthew Henry ................................................................. i ....... 13 The Resurrection of Lazarus, A . H . Reinhard .......................................... 14 Miscellanea............... ........... ............. ..................— ....... ........ ............ .— 16 Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker ................................................ 17 The Bible in the News......................................................................... ,-- 19 What Is In Map? Philip B. Marquart ....................................................... 20 Biola Family Circle............. .................................................................. 22 The Church That Dwelt With Satan, G. Coleman Luck ....................... 24 Call to Prayer, G. A . Griswood ................................ ................................... 27 The Walk That Wins, Edwin Raymond Anderson ................................. 28 Youth For Christ Recalls the Days of Moody and Torrey, Charles T. Cook ...................................................................................... 29 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson ................................................ 31 It’s An Idea, Carlton C. Buck ...................................................................... 31 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder.. .................. ........... .............................. 44 Cover: Philip Gendreau, N. Y. Fishermen at Gloucester, Mass, empty­ ing the huge, bag-shaped net of thousands of pounds of redfish. The bottom of the net is protected with cowhide to prevent its tearing on the rocks. Picture Credits: G. E. Kirkpatrick, p. 7; George R. King, pp. 9, 15; Yosemite Park & Curry Co., p. 10; Ransom Marvin, p. 13. S U B S C R IP T IO N IN F O R M A T IO N —"The King’s Business" is published monthly; $2.00, one yr.; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 26 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. R E M IT T A N C E S —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. A D V E R T IS IN G —For information, address the Advertising Manager, 658 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13. California. M A N U S C R IP T S —“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28. 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 638, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. A D D R E S S : The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Book Reviews ............................................................................... Sunday School Lessons...................................................................

ion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.” Where Mr. Baruch acquired this principle we do not know, but it is one which God has long used in dealing with the sins of man. The matter of sal­ vation through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ is, and always has been, on a free will basis. Men may accept His peerless sacrifice, and come to know the unspeakable joy that comes from the realization of the removal of the burden of sin, or they may reject God’s offer of mercy. One of the primary tenets of the New Testament is that, while God offers salvation full and free to every member of the human race, no one is compelled to receive this offer from His hand. Every man has a right to his own opinion. He may deem it wise to become a Christian, or he may consider the gift of God worthless to him. However, on the other hand, God is anxious that the world shall know the facts of life. In order that this may be, He has literally packed the earth with incontrovertible evidence regarding His person and His will. Fact number one is the existence of God, and evidence for it fills our vision from the tiniest blade of grass to the mightiest galaxy in the sky. The second great fact is that all must recognize the presence of sin in the world, and its results upon mankind. This evidence too is on every hand, and one need go no farther than his own heart to find it. God holds man responsible to open his eyes and to view the inex­ orable consequences of trangression against Him. The third great fact is that all redemption is through Christ. In order to emphasize the name of His Son, God has stamped it upon almost every phase of life. Great holidays constantly bring Him to mind; dates which we inscribe upon publications, letters and busi­ ness documents call attention to Him. The church, the great mission­ ary enterprises, rescue missions, Bi­ ble distribution, radio programs, and a score of other sources, point to Christ. But the greatest witness is that of men and women whose lives have been transformed. These are the facts which God ex­ pects man to carefully consider. After they have been fully under­ stood, one has a right to his own opinion. One may accept the Re­ deemer, or willfully turn away from Him. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

unsaved present. This offers a splen­ did opportunity to reach with the necessary message the two great classes of men. First, the gospel plan of salvation, the good news of the death and resurrection of Christ for sinners, must be presented to the lost. Then, the church of God must be fed with the heavenly manna of His truth. But, as every minister of Christ stands before such a divided audience, he must make a clear dis­ tinction between the messages to the two classes. The one who is outside of Christ should be made to understand that the principles and practices of the Christian life do not apply to him until first he has taken the all-im­ portant primary step of receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Far too often confusion is created as to the matter of entering the Christian life. It is nothing short of tragic to give any sinner the impression that if he attends church, reads his Bible, spends time in prayer, is baptized, partakes of the' Lord’s Supper, or joins in other Christian practices, that God will receive him on this basis. What he needs to know is that he must take the sinner’s place, realizing himself wholly bankrupt so far as merit is concerned. Then, reaching out with the arms of faith, he must receive the absolutely un­ merited gift of salvation from the hand of God. This does not mean that every ser­ mon needs to be a gospel sermon or even that the message to saints must necessarily have an evangelistic ap­ pendage. A few well-chosen sen­ tences from the minister, emphasiz­ ing the fact that Christian truth is for Christians only, will meet the need. The Spirit of God Himself will, by His own matchless wisdom, bring a sense of conviction through the exclusiveness of the message. Thus will be born in the heart of the sin­ ner a longing to know what God re­ quires of him in order that he may become a saint.

Directed Service TN the last chapter of the Gospel of John a beautiful and tender scene is described. It was one of the days following the resurrection of Christ, and the disciples were very disheart­ ened. Things were different since Christ had risen, and apparently He was not going to walk and talk with them on the same plane as He had before His death. Peter, taking the lead, said in effect: “As for me, I guess I’ll go back to the fisherman’s trade.” Other disciples followed his example, and, having secured a boat, they fished throughout the night. But to those skillful fishermen it was a night of complete defeat. Not one fish was caught! But in the grey dawn a regal Figure stood upon the shore, with a question upon His lips concerning the fishermen’s success. Their gloomy reply was that there were no results at all. While all of the fishing paraphernalia had been employed and all of the skill of the fishermen had been brought into play, the entire operation was wasted, so far as results were con­ cerned. But the story has a happy ending, for the Lord Jesus Himself told them where and how to fish, and there was a great haul. This incident was used by Jesus as an illustration of His plan for His chil­ dren to engage in spiritual fishing under His direction. As with all Bible narratives, this one has a real meaning for the fol­ lowers of Christ today. There can be no lasting service done for God ex­ cept under the direction of His Son. All other service, even though ap­ parently performed as Christian work, is wasted effort. One of the first desires of the Christian should be to secure the sure guidance of his Master. To do this, we must ever earnestly oppose the spirit of the age which urges organization, advertis­ ing and promotion. God wants it clearly understood that His work is not to be run by modern business methods, but can only be accom- pished by His own spiritual power, released in answer to believing prayer.

i t

i t Divide Your Audience

No Right to Be Wrong lyTR. Bernard Baruch, our very wise elder statesman, and adviser to several presidents, is responsible for an exceedingly pertinent observation: “Every man has right to his opin­

T N nearly all audiences gathered to hear the preaching of the Gospel, there is a mixed group of saved and Page Four

nection with the matter, certainly there is no mention of Jesus Christ the Son. History contains many documented instances of miraculous, divine heal­ ings. Bible history itself presents in­ disputable proof of God’s willingness to heal. When He was on earth, Jesus not only spoke peace to hearts, but miraculously healed sick bodies. The apostles who followed Him were also given power to heal. And to­ day many are still healed in answer to prayer in the name of Jesus. However, all bodily healing does not originate in Christian groups. Some cults, which positively deny the deity and substitutionary work of God’s Son, repeatedly demonstrate a power to relieve suffering. There are therefore two forces for miracu­ lous healing in the world: God and Satan. The fact of bodily healing does not necessarily constitute evi­ dence of God’s approval of the healer. One must go further than that to determine whether Christ is honored and the Word of God given primary place in the deliverances. In the case of Avak, neither condi­ tion seems to be met. ☆ Treasure «— Where? "DECENTLY the press was filled with the story of a very great man who had just died, one who had started out “from scratch” and had built a fabulous financial empire. Henry Ford was reputed to be worth about two billion dollars. His holdings included not only sprawl­ ing factories, but mines and rubber plantations and glass plants and almost uncounted real estate hold­ ings. In the financial world his word had been death or life. In press circles everything he did was news. He was a symbol of America. He was a force to be dealt with, and the other day, because the basement of the Ford mansion was flooded, due to the overflowing river waters, he and Mrs. Ford went to bed at nine in a cold bedroom. At 11:15 Henry Ford called for a drink of water. The family physician was sent for, but before he could arrive at that cold house, Henry Ford, aged 83, had passed out of this life by the light of old-fashioned kerosene lamps and flickering candles. The press has been concerned with the amount of treasure which was left. It is sufficient for us to remem­ ber that whatever the amount, Henry Ford left all of it. Whether or not there is spiritual treasure awaiting him above depends upon two things: first, if he were a sincere believer in the Lamb of God, the Saviour of the world, and second, if, following his salvation, he had served the Lord Jesus with an unselfish heart. Page Five

all who love the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It is inter­ denominational in its organisation and character, and seeks to co-oper­ ate with and to assist all churches, Bible schools, and other organisa­ tions which are endeavoring, in obedience to the command of our blessed Lord, to give His gospel to every creature. It should also be understood that these buildings are not to be a mon­ ument to any man, nor to any set of men, but are to forever stand solely for the promulgation of the eternal truths of God’s Holy Word. Over its portals, and running across the front of this central building, will stand the inspired declaration, Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is set­ tled in heaven. This divinely in­ spired Word will ever be the source of truth which will inspire all of the Institute’s activities, furnishing from its exhaustless resources, the instruc­ tion which is to enable the Institute to send forth Bible workers furnished completely unto every good work. Should the Institute ever depart from these truths, or allow any teaching within these buildings contrary to them, then, this property is to re­ vert to the donors or to their heirs. As to the donors, allow me to say that it is greatly to be regretted that one of our daily papers yester­ day morning, in its notice of this service, through a misapprehension of the facts, referred to Lyman Stew­ art as the donor of the building. This statement does great injustice to all the donors, and is also an in­ jury to the Institute, as such state­ ments necessarily tend to prevent the successful financing of this great enterprise. I desire to state most em­ phatically that I am only one of a number of donors, and that I am not the donor of this or of any of these buildings. For the teaching of the truths for which the Institute stands, its doors are to be open every day in the year, and all people, without reference to race, color, class, creed, or previous condition, will ever be welcome to its privileges. ☆ Avak the Healer A N incident which has caught the eye and fancy of the press is the coming to Southern California of an Iranian named Avak, upon the in­ vitation of a rich Armenian wine merchant who, after exhausting all other sources, has sought his so- called healing powers for his epilep­ tic son. The publicity given the mat­ ter has resulted in ailing hundreds’ seeking this man’s aid. Whether or not Avak has any particular power has yet to be demonstrated. While there is some reference to God in con­

Disreputable Church Signs O NE cannot journey far through city or country without passing many church buildings. Most of these have some sort of sign board, usually at the front of the church, advertising their services. Generally speaking, these boards are fairly well-kept, but occasionally one finds them' in a state of almost complete neglect. Paint is badly needed, the glass is broken or dirty, and the re­ movable letters are faded and rusty. If one on the outside were to judge the quality of the church services from the bulletin boards, I am sure he would never be induced to en­ ter the auditorium. It would be far better to have no bulletin board at all than to have one which shows signs of neglect. Before the doors of nearly every church there passes a stream of hu­ manity all week long. As one views the church building, the eye is nat­ urally drawn to any writing which may tell what sort of message it de­ livers. If the bulletin board is neglected, or if, in the middle of the week, the notice still concerns the previous Sunday, the onlooker can­ not but be contemptuous of the church’s testimony. On the other hand, to the wise believer this means presents a splendid opportunity to advertise not only the coming church services, but by a few succinct words, the reader may be startled into think­ ing of eternal matters. Please ex­ amine your bulletin board and spend whatever is- necessary to make it a ereditato your Church. ☆ Lyman Stewart O N July 22, 1947 will be observed another anniversary of the birth of Lyman Stewart, man of God, and one of the founders of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. As the years pass since the day when God called Mr. Stewart to be with Himself, we have become more and more aware of his stature as a Christian phi­ lanthropist, and increasingly appre­ ciative of his genuine humility. In an early issue of The King’s Busi­ ness there appeared an account of the laying of the cornerstone of the Institute buildings. With gratitude to God for such a spirit as was Ly­ man Stewart’s, we reprint a few lines from' the address which he de­ livered on that occasion: Like the great apostle to the Gen­ tiles, the Institute in its propaganda will have but one theme—Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Its teach­ ing, therefore, from the standpoint of this world’s wisdom, will be nar­ row. It will also be intolerant of er­ ror, but have a love for the souls of men as wide as the world. It will fellowship with, and bid'Godspeed to AUGUST, 1947

T he B lessed A ssurance of the V icarious S ufferings of C hrist to E xpiate S in

WANT TO PUT before you some blessed assurances from God’s Word, which truths, I trust, you will re­ member through the years as a staff of support in time of trouble, and will carry in your memory as long as life lasts. How blessed it is that we are in posses­ sion of things that are unshakable! Nothing is more apparent in our time than the lack of restfulness and repose. We are living in the most nervous, strange, un­ certain day of the world’s history. Jeremiah, speaking by the Spirit of God, prophesied that toward the end of the age the Wicked would be like the troubled sea which

In 1 John 3:4 we read: “And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins.” This pillar of faith which sets forth the purpose of Christ’s coming into the world is as steadfast as ever, despite the storms of hell that have raged against it for nearly two thousand years. The emissaries of the infernal world have set themselves to destroy it and everything that expresses it to mankind. Take for instance William Cowper’s

wonderful hymn:

could not rest; in our day it is a restless multitude that greets our gaze. One cannot walk along the streets of any great city without noting that many human faces are marked with anxiety and restlessness. Even in the house of God where we gather to worship Him who said, “Be careful for nothing,” one sees faces marked by depres­ sion and fear. We live in a rush, constantly apprehen­ sive of danger, and this spirit of the age has its effect upon the hearts and minds of many of God’s people. This same spirit of restlessness characterizes the re­ ligious world. Many are in a quandary, not knowing what to believe. The spirit of doubt and skepticism pervades our institutions of learning, and many young men and women are asking the question: “Can we be sure of anything in regard to God and destiny?” There­ fore, it is good for us to note some of the blessed as­ surances God’s Word brings to us—the unshaken and unshakable pillars of our Christian faith. Over against the skepticism and unbelief of the atomic age I want to ring the changes on the word know. This was a great word with the apostle Paul and with other writ­ ers of the New Testament. Paul was a knowso Chris­ tian, as were all believers who down through the cen­ turies had a ringing testimony for God. Let us then consider four passages of Scripture which contain four great assurances for the Christian: 1 John 3:5; Romans 8:28; 2 Corinthians 5:1; and 1 John 3:2.

There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel’s veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains.

No lines have ever been so caricatured, abused or assailed as these. Sir Edward Arnold, author of The Light of Asia, stated that these words were absolutely shocking to his mind. Matthew Arnold described the hymn as “The language of an unbalanced dreamer.” On the other hand, it has been used of God to lead thou­ sands to Christ. The number of lives which have been changed by its message is greater than the number of people who have heard about the Arnolds. I would rather have written those words than to have been the author of all of the books of all of the Arnolds and their kind! To these enemies of the cross, the blood of Jesus Christ is of no more value to the immortal soul than the blood of Paul or any other martyr. But in the midst of this babel of sounds and speculation about the purpose of the coming of Christ into the world, every believer can say triumphantly, “We know why He for­ sook a throne in glory and went to the cross with its •ignominy and shame—we know that He was manifested to take away our sins!” I once stood by the bedside of a young man and watched his life ebb away. He was greatly concerned about his soul. I said, “Laddie, let me read this verse to you: ‘For he hath made him to be sin for us, who

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Page Six

knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him’ (2 Cor. 5:21).” I explained that Jesus Christ came into the world to be a sin bearer, that He went to the cross to give His blood as a ransom for sinners, and that God is going to take to heaven all those men and women who put their trust in this Son of God, who was manifested to take away sins. That young man looked away to the cross and believed that the death of Christ was for him—a death in his stead. God gave the lad assurance of the forgiveness of all his sins, and he passed into the valley of the shadow of death without a question, without a fear. He is in the glory now because he knew that Christ was mani­ fested to take away sins. My friends, do you know this truth? No matter what else you know, if you do not know Christ as an aton­ ing Saviour, you will never reach the Father’s blessed home above. But, praise God, if you do know this blessed truth, it matters little what else you do not know; all will be well. Is the blood of Christ the ground of your hope of eternal salvation? God save me from ever preaching, and you from ever believing, a bloodless theology! T he B lessed A ssurance of G od ’ s U nfailing P urpose We examine another wonderful verse: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). How strange are some of God’s ways with us! Very often we cannot understand why He deals with one man this way, and another that way. He may take away that man’s health, and leave this one well; He may allow one Christian $20,000 a year and another not a penny! What strange and in­ explicable things occur in the providences of God! Some time ago a Christian friend and I were recount­ ing our experiences over a period of twenty-five years. Among other things, this friend told me that before the great depression of 1929, he had supported ten mis­ sionaries. But when the collapse came, his entire for­ tune was swept away, and many a day he and his wife sat at the breakfast table, drinking coffee without cream or sugar because they did not have sufficient money to buy them! My friends, never try to find out reasons for the providences of God. If you do so, your soul will get into darkness. Just trust God, and you will learn some day that all the tears and heartaches were just as es­ sential for the building of your Christian life as were the days of gladness and sunshine. Poor Jacob cried, “All these things are against me,” when he heard that Benjamin was wanted in Egypt after Joseph had been taken away from him. But he learned later that the very things that were against him worked for his good, and for the preservation of his whole family. So, my friends when you stand on the glory side and look at the pathway along which you have come, you will thank God for the loving heart that planned and for the pierced hand that led you on life’s way. Let us say with the Apostle Paul in triumphant assurance that we too know that all things work together for good! Some years ago, when I was a pastor in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I had» in my congregation a woman who had spent the last ten years of her life upon a sickbed. She scarcely knew a day without pain, and yet she gave herself to the giving of thanks to God for the very thing through which she was passing. She was assured that her multitude of physical woes was pre­ paring her for some service in the glory. After her triumphant death, her husband found the following poem in her Bible. At the funeral service he requested that I read it to the congregation. I pass it on to you because it may help you to understand the meaning of your tears. The title of it is The Weaver: AUGUST, 1947

My life is but a weaving Between my Lord and me: I cannot choose the colors; He worketh steadily. Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow, And I in foolish pride Forget He sees the upper, And I, the under side. Not till the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas And explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful In the Weaver’s skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He has planned.

And so, in joy or sorrow, in sickness or health, in riches or in poverty, in life or in death, our testimony is to the assurance of God’s unfailing purpose: “We know that all things work together for good.” He knows, He loves, He cares; Nothing this truth can dim. He gives the very best to those Who leave the choice with Him.

Colorado Mountains in Early Autumn.

Paa* Seven

and rebuilt and moulded into a new and perfect form. In the laboratory of Faraday, the great chemist, a man accidentally knocked a silver cup into a jar of acid. The cup was consumed by the powerful solution. When Faraday, that stalwart confessor of Christ, heard of the disappearance of the cup, he threw some chem­ icals into the acid. Soon the dissolved particles of sil­ ver were precipitated, the metal was reclaimed, sent to a silversmith and recast into a graceful cup. My friends, if a chemist can perform this miracle of reconstruction, surely Almighty God will be able to gather the particles of our bodies, though they be scat­ tered to the four winds, and change that which was sown a natural body into a body glorious in beauty and power-even like unto His glorious body. Here is our Lord’s own promise: “Because I live, ye shall live also.” D. L. Moody once said, “Some day you wM read the papers that D. L. Moody is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. Right then I will be more alive than I ever was down here.” And some day you may read the news that Louis T. Talbot is dead. No, my friends, I will not be dead, either; I will be alive forevermore. T he B lessed A ssurance of C onformity to C hrist ’ s I mage Again we look at another powerful verse, “Beloved, now aré we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is" (1 John 3:2). To be conformed to the image of God’s Son is the destiny of every child of God. When the son of the Duke of Hamlin lay dying, and dying triumphant in Christ, he called his younger brother to his side, and said, "Douglas, I am dying now; I am leaving you. In a little while you will inherit Father’s property and the homestead. And that isn’t all, Douglas; you will also inherit Father’s title; and by and by they will call you the Duke of Hamlin. But, Douglas, when you are the Duke, I shall be a king.” That is truly the destiny of every child of God, whether he lives in a palace or a poorhouse. There is a crown awaiting his head. I be­ lieve that there is a crown for my head that wouldn’t fit your head; it is made on purpose for me. And, friends, there is another one made for you. But won­ derful as is this prospect of being a king and sharing Christ’s sovereignty over this earth, there is something far more wonderful than that. It is expressed in this fourth great assurance: “But we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him.” When the sainted Andrew Bonar was advanced in years, he received a letter from Charles Haddon Spur­ geon, asking that he send him his photograph. Mr. Spurgeon explained that he wanted to add it to his col­ lection of photographs of men of God. Dr. Bonar com­ plied with some hesitation, writing these words on the reverse side of the photograph: “Dear Spurgeon: I am sorry that you asked for my picture. This photograph is the very best I can do while I am in this mortal body. My physical form is rapidly going the way of all flesh. But one day you will see a better likeness— one which I shall be proud for people to behold; I shall be like Him, for I shall see Him as He is.’ What a prospect and what a hope! JVe shall be like Him—spirit, soul, and body! What a day that will be! I do not believe that the day is far distant. The signs that speak of Christ’s coming are multiplying daily. We may well obey our Lord’s injunction: “Lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.” Let us carry these assurances in our hearts until at last we see our Lord in person and worship at His blessed feet. May His blessing be our portion. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

T he B lessed A ssurance of I mmortal L ife We turn to another heart-warming verse: “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5:1). The worldly wise man speaks of nature’s two great mysteries, life and death, and they are mysteries so far as human philosophy is concerned, for the world’s wisdom and science return no complete answer to the question, from the whence to the whither written over every cradle and every grave. The ancient Greeks used to symbolize a life termi­ nated in death by a broken column. The firmly set foundation, the sculptured base, and the fluted shaft, were there, but when the eye, craving completeness, followed the flowing lines upward, expecting to see a crown, there was no crown—just a sharp fracture. The ■ancient Greeks thus expressed a life terminated in death because they did not know whether or not it con­ tinued on beyond this earthly veil. Three thousand years have passed since the Grecian philosophers spec­ ulated concerning the life beyond this earthly pilgrim­ age, and, while the world has progressed in many ways, the centuries have not brought one added flicker of light upon the mystery of death. It is very significant that Robert G. Ingersoll, the agnostic, on the occasion of the death of his brother, put into English the uncer­ tain feeling expressed by the ancient Greeks in their carvings upon their broken marble shafts. He said, "Life is a narrow veil between the barren peaks of two eternities. We cry aloud, and the only answer to our cry is the echo of our wail.” My friends, put over against the uncertainties of an­ cient and modern philosophers concerning a future life the blessed assurances of the Apostle Paul: “We know.” Further on in this same chapter, while still referring to death, Paul states: “We are confident.” This is the meaning of death for the Christian. Christ, who is the resurrection and the life, has lifted the veil that con­ ceals the future, so that we may boldly say, “We know.” We are not hoping this may be true! We are, rather, proclaiming the glorious certainty and the divine assur­ ance. I protest with all my soul against paganizing the joyous, blessed Christian doctrine of death. Read the inscriptions left by the early church in the cata­ combs of Rome: “Alexander lives beyond the stars” ; “Clement triumphs.” Compare this joyous feeling of victory with the modem conception of death with its ghastly paraphernalia of woe. This does not come from the catacombs but from the cloisters. A young man who was in school with me was called away because of his mother’s serious illness. He ar­ rived at her bedside five minutes before the dissolution of her body and soul. Knowing she had come to the end of life, and that heaven was opening before her, she took her boy in her arms, and, as she kissed him, she said, "Percy, I am leaving you now, but I will meet you in the morning.” At that moment, she closed her eyes to earthly scenes to open them in the presence of the King and to behold the glories of Immanuel’s land. What an assurance and what a staff of support in time of sadness this is—the assurance of immortal life. We know! This is an assurance in regard to the resurrection of the human body. What is it that gives us the confi­ dence in the resurrection and immortality of the body? It is none other than Christ’s own resurrection. Listen to Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:14: “God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.” The open grave of the Lord becomes the pledge of the Son of God that enables us to say, “I know.” This body, though it be returned to the dust, will be revived Page Eight

Pastor oí the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.

A FTER leaving Biola, I went as a student to the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Fol­ lowing a period of time in the pastorate, I re­ turned there for graduate work and was there in 1932 at the time of the World’s Fair in Chicago which was known as "A Century of Progress.” Among the students was a very modest, sweet-spirited fellow who never had much to say, but always greeted everyone with a warm, friendly smile. Some of the fellows found out one day that it was his twenty-fifth birthday, so at breakfast in the dining room, one of them made a flowery announce­ ment of the fact, and they all applauded vigorously, cry­ ing "Speech! Speech!” They felt he would be too timid to respond, but to their surprise he rose, smiled and said, “Mr. Chairman, and brethren of the Hall, you see before you a quarter of a century of progress,” and sat down. It was a most effective speech! It almost brought the roof down!

When I received the gracious invitation to bring this message to the Graduating Class of 1947 and to all the rest of you, I soon became conscious of the fact that I was graduated from Biola in 1922. So this is a sort of Silver Anniversary for me. Whether or not it has been a quarter of a century of progress, I can say that it has been a quarter of a century filled with the grace and mercy of God! I have seen the Word of God demonstrate again and again that it is "living and powerful.” I have seen the Gospel of Christ in its wonderful, redemptive power at work in the hearts of men and women. I have seen the fulfillment of our Lord’s words, “Greater works than these shall ye do, because I go unto my Father.” I have seen souls saved, lives transformed, homes re­ claimed, churches gloriously strengthened and developed. I have seen young people respond to the call of God and the challenge of world need, and go out with hearts aflame to bear witness to a living Lord and Saviour! Page Nine

AUGUST, 1947

A W itnessing M in istry “I have appeared unto thee . . . to make thee a minis­ ter and a witness” (Acts 26:16). To make,thee a minister! Does that mean a man dressed in clerical garb? Does that mean a man who has been approved by some human council so that he may write the word “Reverend” before his name? Does that mean a man who is identified by others as belong­ ing to “the Clergy” or “the Clpth” ? God forbid! A minister is one who ministers, who serves. A true minis­ ter is a servant of the Spirit, who becomes a clear chan­ nel through which the glories of the Gospel are mediated to the hearts and lives of others. Your ministry and mine is to be a witnessing ministry. This was the Lord’s last word, “Ye shall be my witnesses.” This is what He expects. This is what the world is needing. This is what alone can meet the challenge of a lost world. ^Such wit­ nessing must be by word of mouth reinforced by regen­ erate hearts and consecrated lives. Some are divinely called to preach. As long as God gives me breath, and whenever and wherever I have opportunity to do so, I want to magnify Gospel preaching. What saith the Scripture? “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching” (Matt. 3:1). “Jesus came . . . preaching” (Mark 1:14). “They that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the Word” (Acts 8:4). “For it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe” (I Cor. 1:21). There can never be any substitute for Gospel preach­ ing! Pageantry, dramatics, audio-visual aids, esthetic appeals, personal counselling—all these and many other things may have their place, but they cannot take the place of the plain, positive preaching of the Gospel by one whose heart is afire and whose lips are empowered by the Spirit of God. Last year at the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Miami, Florida, I listened to Dr. Baker James Cauthen, our Secretary to the Orient under the Foreign Mission Board. He is a young man, highly trained, of keen intellect, of wonderful ability, who gave up his position as professor of missions and pastor in order that he might answer the call of God to China. He is a great preacher of the Gospel and my heart was stirred within me as he said to that great host of nearly

A man was traveling up the road one day on a jour­ ney from one great city to another. He was deeply reli­ gious and thoroughly trained. He was capable, influen­ tial and zealous. He was well versed in the Old Testa­ ment Scriptures. Personally, he was a man of high moral principles and unimpeachable conduct." Having been appointed to help stamp out a heretical sect which was causing no little embarrassment to the religious leaders of his day, and being possessed of a strong con­ viction that these people were blasphemous and apos­ tate, he went to the task of their apprehension and an­ nihilation with his customary vigor and determination. The day started out with no indication that it was going to be different from any other, but as he ap­ proached his destination, something happened, some­ thing which revolutionized his life, which affected the whole course of Christian history, and which shall stand as one of the significant events in world history. Here is the historian’s account: “Suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest . . . And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:3-6). Have you ever carefully considered the original form of his commis­ sion? It is in the same chapter, verses 15 and 16: “He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: for I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name’s safce.” Now, bear in mind that the name of Jesus was de­ spised, hated, held in contempt and regarded as the very epitome of all that was to be avoided. The voice that spoke said, “I am Jesus.” The messenger who came to him while he prayed said, “Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou earnest, hast sent me.” And the Lord’s recorded com­ mission to him closed with the words, “How great things [how many things] he must suffer for my name’s saJce.” The same name, the name of Jesus! Long years passed by. They were years of hardship, danger, sacrifice, suffering and loss, but also of victory and glory. One day this man was called to account, and he stood before the king to answer for himself. In sim­ ple words, he told the story as recorded in Acts 26:13-18. But the words which challenge my heart and yours in this hour are found in verse 19, “Whereupon, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” Thank God for that! It is because of a heavenly vision received somewhere along the way that you and I are here today. Not in the same way did it come to everyone of us. In some bases, the light shined upon us as we read His Word. In some cases, the Voice spoke through a sermon delivered by pastor, missionary or evangelist. In other cases, it was the still small voice which spoke in the quietness of the night. But somewhere, somehow, “ the heavenly vision” came and “the things of earth” faded and became insig­ nificant and secondary after the glimpse of His face and the ringing challenge of His voice saying, “Follow me!” It is concerning this “heavenly vision” that I have come all the way across the country, from the nation’s capital to the Pacific coast, to talk with you today. The members of the Graduating Class of this great Bible-loving institution must determine whether they will be obedient to the heavenly vision. Many roads will beckon, many voices will call, many opportunities will present themselves; secondary matters will clamor for attention; alluring by-paths and by-ways will attract; temptations will abound. Blessed is the one who can say humbly and sincerely, "I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” What is involved in it? The an­ swer is here in the Word. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Yoseraite Palls. The highest leaping waterfall in the world. Rase Ten

8,000 Baptists, “I pledge you that wherever we go and whatever we do—whether it be institutional missions or educational missions or medical missions or pioneer mis­ sions, we shall always preach the Gospel! Our primary task, our main business, shall be to preach the Gospel. Evangelistic preaching shall be the cornerstone ol our work.” Many of the members of this class will witness through preaching. I charge you therefore, “Preach the Word.” A n E n l igh t en in g M in istry It is amazing to discover the conception which some people hold of the Gospel ministry. To them it is just a respectable profession, or a place to enjoy public esteem, or an opportunity for social service. What was Paul’s commission? “To open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God” (Acts 26:18). Perhaps few of us realize the intensity of the dark­ ness in which the world gropes and stumbles and feels its way. It is moral darkness. It is spiritual darkness, and as men live and die in it, it becomes eternal dark­ ness. Isaiah said, “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light” (9:2). Again, “In an accept­ able time have I answered thee, and in a day of salva­ tion have I helped thee . . . saying to them that are bound, Go forth, to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves” (49:8,9), And again, “For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people” (60.2). Paul, in Romans 13:12, urges Christians to “Cast off the works of darkness” and “put on the armor of light.” Probably one of the strongest statements in this connection is in Ephesians 6:12, "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this dark­ ness.” Colossians 1:13 is a glorious reminder of the same truth, “Who delivered us out of the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love.” As you go to your appointed task, you will face ap­ palling darkness. You will face the darkness of ignor­ ance concerning all things spiritual; the darkness of superstition and fear; the darkness of delusion and error; the darkness of paganism and atheism; the dark­ ness of a complete and utter indifference in the pres­ ence of which you will feel completely helpless. And what is our task? To Open Their Byes Not with eloquence or oratory shall we be able to do do this; not with worldly wisdom or human reason; not with new techniques and methods. How then? By the living Word of God, by the plain, simple message of the Gospel of Christ. We must join Paul in saying, “I de­ termined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Where that message is preached, the scales of sin and unbelief fall from blinded eyes and the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shines in. That They May Turn From Darkness to Light "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light be­ cause their deed were evil” (John 3:19). This is still as true as when it was written. Sin and unbelief, unregen­ erate human nature, cause men to love darkness and cling to it. Look back into your own past; consider your own case. Do you remember how you turned from the things of God and rebelled against every pleading voice? Men walk in sin because they enjoy it. “The pleasures of sin” appeal to them strongly. AUGUST, 1947

Dr. K. Owen White

What then is the purpose of our preaching, our per­ sonal witnessing, our teaching, our praying? “That they may turn from darkness to light.” We are to preach for decisions! We are to call for action! AWe are not com­ missioned to entertain. We are not called to tickle the ears of our hearers. We are not chiefly responsible to merit the approval of man. I do not ask That crowds may throng the temple, That standing room be priced; I only ask that as I twice the message They may see Christ. I do not ask For churchly pomp or pageant,

Or music such as wealth alone can buy; I only ask that as I voice the message He may be nigh! I do not ask That men may sound my praises, Or headlines spread my name abroad; I only pray that as I voice my message Hearts may find God! I do not ask For earthly place or laurel, Or of this world’s distinction any part; I only ask, when I have voiced the message, My Saviour’s heart!

O my fellow laborers, how deep is the darkness in which men and women now walk! Everywhere there is atheism, materialism, secularism, godlessness, blas­ phemy, drunkenness, divorce, immorality, dishonesty, de­ ceit, hatred, murder, suicide, a veritable flood-tide of the fruits of sin turned loose upon us! Add to this the spec­ tacle of delusion and error represented in the many false cults and the picture of pleasure-mad, cigarette-smoking, cocktail-drinking, theatre-going, card-playing, neglect­ ful, indifferent Christians and the picture is still incom- ete. Only a mighty, redemptive Gospel with power to regenerate and renew can cope with a world situation like that. Which leads me now to say that Page Eleven

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