King's Business - 1947-08

who are following these evil doc­ trines, Christ warns: “Think again and think differently. You are fol­ lowing a grievous error. Repent!” Threat (Rev. 2:16b) “Or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.” Un­ less His admonition is heeded, our Lord threatens to come quickly to this church and fight against—not the church as a whole—but “ them,” that is, the ones who hold these doctrines. The weapon He will use is “the sword of my mouth” — thé Word of God, which is the best weapon with which to combat any kind of error. At the opening of the 16th century, both the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes had reached full development and apparently were in­ vincibly entrenched in the church it­ self. Yet through Luther, through Calvin, through Zwingli, God’s Word put the forces of evil to rout. Promise (Rev. 2:17) A precious promise is given to the “overcomer,” the one heeding the warning of Christ and through His power separating himself from the sins the Lord condemns. To him the Saviour promises “the hidden man­ na,” “a white stone,” and “ a new name.” The hidden manna is a reference to the pot of manna which was placed within the Ark of the Cove­ nant (Ex. 16:33; Heb. 9:4). The Ark represented the dwelling place of God — His very throne, which could only be approached through the shed blood. The manna was a heavenly, spiritual food, symbolic of Christ as the Bread of Life. Thus the one who approaches the throne of God through the shed blood of Christ finds his spiritual sustenance in Christ, the true heavenly Manna. So far as the world and even worldly Christians are concerned, this food is “hidden” and hardly conceived of. but it is very real to the spiritual Chris­ tian who walks with his Lord. The white stone no doubt signifies acceptance; in certain secret orders ' there is a custom of voting on new members by the use of white and black stones. The one who truly seeks to live for the Lord need not fear being “black-balled” by Him. A new name is to be written on this stone. This speaks of the new name of Christ (Rev. 3:12), which is KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Rev. 19:16). The world now knows of Christ as the Saviour, but some day it will know Him as the supreme Lord and King of this world. Those yielded to Jesus Christ know Him even now in this new and precious relationship, as they sur­ render to His LORDSHIP. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Preaching the Word to armed Arabian Bedouins, each with his Gospel. Insets: Missionaries Young and Diffenbacher, with a group of Manchurian converts; a Korean pastor, who has opposed Shinto Shrine obeisance. “ lEarnesthj Contend for

Jflmtfy” Jude 3.

Thus seasoned missionary volun­ teers, many o f them already equipped with the necessary languages and acquained with the customs of their fields, constantly rally to the stand­ ard God’s Spirit is enabling us to raise. From a modernistic board came four telling us they had been in Babylionian captivity too long, and were eager for release. They were accepted, and both China and Mex­ ico will profit by their service. Two others, long on the field, turn to this Board in preference to any other. Korea will profit by their con­ secrated labors. These experienced men and women know the times and the issues of today, and have taken their stand unflinchingly with Christ and with His Word.

T h E Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions was born in 1933 for a twofold purpose. First, to be, in the face of present- day modernism and unbelief, a ster­ ling testimony everywhere to the truthfulness and entire integrity of God’s Word, the Bible; and, second, to be an efficacious instrument in the salvation of many souls among the millions now perishing in hea­ then darkness. The faithful stand of this Board upon such questions has become so widely known, that calls come to it from new fields in all parts o f the world. Faithful, but saddened and sometimes discouraged missionaries, often knowing not where else to turn, write to us more and more frequently.

Will you “ hold the ropes” as they go down? Tour prayer fellowship will he deeply appreciated. For details regarding this wor\ address The Treasurer, Dept. K87

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Philadelphia 44, Pa., U. S. A.

Times That Try Men's Souls .. THESE T IMES A R E YOUR O P P O R T U N I T I E S M odem Palestine is tom by troubles. Trying times for 2 million people. Our Mission pledges to give the Gospel to these needy people. But your help is important. Your gifts, $1, $5 or $100 will help some­ one to Christ. Invest today in souls. Spiritual returns can’t be estimated in human values. THE PALEST INE P I C T OR I A L NEWS Life today in Palestine. Our Mission at work, not for profit, but for souls—'in Jerusalem“ “ Tel Aviv“ “ Bethlehem and in the tribes and villages. A parade o f pictures and timely articles, $1 for 12 issues. Order NOW 1 The Society of Christian Approach to the Jews Box 55W Kansas City, Mo.

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