King's Business - 1947-08

Sept 21 . 1947 BUILDING A MARRIAGE THAT WILL LAST M ark 10:6-9

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agreeable, and some habits which may be thoroughly distasteful. The Lord refers to this fact when He says, "Love covereth a multitude of sins.” Lovers should not expect to find per­ fection in each other. They each should have a reservoir of affection sufficient to cover completely the de­ fects of the other, and hide them from sight and attention. When this is the case, lives remain intertwined permanently for existence upon this earth. M arriage I s a P icture of C o - operation 1 P et . 3:7 A marriage in which the hopes and aims of each party coincide with those of the other will endure the storms of life. There must be a union of minds in regard to Christian liv­ ing, financial problems, social atti­ tudes, and physical desires. “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” is a pertinent, scriptural question, to which we answer, “No.” The couple should know before being united whether they agree on these points mentioned. Marriage should not be such a hasty matter that there is no time beforehand for deliberate consideration of every fac­ tor that enters into the wedded state. Lovers are apt to overlook conditions that they know are conducive to trouble, whereas they should con­ sider carefully whether there is a remedy for their diverse opinions. M arriage I s a P icture of F ellowship G en . 2:20 The original thought in regard to marriage is found in the Scripture just quoted. The thought of love is not presented in the passage,, but, rather, the thought of service. Adam was alone and needed one who would work with him and for him. The Lord’s decision was that He would make such a helper—one who was to be compatible with Adam, and suited to his needs. Love is introduced as the sweet and success­ ful source of happy helpfulness. Where love abounds, service does much more abound. When hearts love each other, service is rendered happily, gladly, and abundantly. The marriage in which each person serves the other in order to have a successful home, a happy family, and harmonious living conditions, will be lasting. The freshness of a new love, soon wears off. That new love should develop into one which is based upon values revealed in wholehearted service.

fPHE SCRIPTURE presumes that marriage will be permanent. God never intended that there should be trial or companionate marriages. It is His will that hearts should find their mates, and be joined together for life. The divorce courts are not filled with people who sought the will of God regarding their mar­ riages, but is filled with those who cared nothing for the guidance of the Lord, and consulted only their own lusts and personal desires. It is recorded in John 2:1-10 that Jesus was invited to a wedding. It was well that He was invited, for He brought to the guests the wine which is an emblem of true joy and happi­ ness. If He were invited to every wedding, there would be fewer di­ vorces. If the Holy Spirit guided in the courtship, the devil would not be successful in separating couples after marriage. M arriage I s a P icture of C hrist and the C hurch E ph . 5:32 The beautiful marriage service re­ minds us of the union between the people of God who constitute the Bride, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bridegroom. In both cases there is permanency in the solemn act of marriage. In each case the bridegroom holds and attracts the heart of his chosen one. His beauty and his sufficiency draw the heart of his bride to perfect trust. The bride’s helplessness and need attract his heart to perfect care, support, and love, so the two are linked together in a mutual love pact wherein she depends upon him for support, and he depends upon her for service. This should be true of every wedding. Hearts should be united in every matter, religious, financial, physical, and social. Thus, the marriage will be permanent. M arriage I s a P icture of D evotion C ol . 3:18,19 Hearts that love never quarrel or criticize, or complain. A heart devo­ tion to another makes the rough places in life smooth, and causes the difficulties to disappear for that loved one. The marriage will be per­ manent when founded upon basic faith on the part of each person in the other, and devoted love each for the other. Each party must find in the other a willing mind, a respons­ ive heart, and a co-operative will. Both the man and the woman must be prepared to find in the other char­ acteristics which are not altogether AUGUST, 1947

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