King's Business - 1947-08

Sept. 28. 1947 LOOKING TOWARD PARENTHOOD D eut . 6:4-7; 11:18-21 ; E ph . 6:1-4

For a real vacation and a spiritual treat come to beautiful

C hristian Conference Center of the West. For inform ation w rite direct to: M ount Herm on Association, M ount Hermon, Calif. CHRIST1A n ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ GREETING CARDS ¥ or bos of 21 DoLaxo Christmas folders htra appropriate Scripture exU and meaninxfal sentiments that express TRUE CHRISTmas spirit. Add spiritual quality to the Christmas season. Designs are artistically lithographed in seven beautifully tinted pastel colors. Those Christ-honoring cards make people conscious that CHRISTmas I* Christ's birthday. JBell readily at SI. As Special Sample Offer we Drill mail these 21 folders plus box of beautiful all-occasion folders post-paid for S I. Groups raise funds, agents make money, selling our complete !Jne of 20 Assortments. Profit up to 100 %. Write today7 S H E P H E R D S T O W N C A R D CO. Shepherdstown, Pa., Box 238 STUTTER?, S o - c a lle d “ speech c o n t r o l" m e th o d s 'd o not remove the cause of stuttering. Stop doing the things w hich interfere w ith speech and you will talk normally. W rite for further inform a­ tion today. C. H. Schroy Remedial Course Dept* K B , 1816 W . 5th St., Lo s Angeles 5 A fruitful ministry of evange­ lism and Scripture distribution supported by free-will offerings. Send for free Quarterly with news ofworkin U. S.and China to: NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE 156 Fifth A»«.. MEW YO RK 10, N.Y.

TN the Old Testament days many of -I- the prominent women were bar­ ren. This was considered a disgrace, for each woman probably hoped that she would have a son who would be the promised Messiah. Also the fam­ ily name was propagated through the son. The barren wives cried to God about their dilemma, and the pleas of many of them were granted by Him. Sarah was given the baby Isaac; Rachel was given the baby Joseph; Hannah was given the baby Samuel, and Elizabeth was given the baby John the Baptist. When the heart earnestly desired this blessing, God often performed a miracle and gave a little one in an­ swer to the petition. It is a blessing, indeed, when a mother wants a baby boy for God, one who will serve Him, and be a blessing to many in the Christian faith. C hildren A re G od ’ s B lessing P sa . 127:3 Hannah, perhaps, in her plea of agony to the Lord for a son on that memorable day in the temple, ex­ pressed her feelings in the words of this beautiful psalm of temple wor­ ship. Certainly it is true that parents look forward eagerly to the possi­ bilities that lie ahead of their little one whom' God has sent into the home. David Livingstone surely was a heritage of God in the home of his parents. Lord Gladstone, the Christian statesman of England, surely brought joy to his mother’s heart in his marvelous development and accomplishment. The father and mother of John Williams felt that the fact that their precious boy was serving the Lord in the South Sea Islands was, indeed, God’s mark of approval and blessing upon them. The parents of every great man of God rejoice in the way God pours out a blessing in their home because of this precious heritage. It is interesting to see how the man of God gives credit to God for giving him children. Of course, it is to be understood that these re­ marks refer to Christians who bear children. The unsaved do not teach their children how to become Chris- tions, for they are not interested in that. Young couples who are mar­ ried in the fear of the Lord, look C hildren A re G od ’ s G ift G en . 33:5

forward to having precious little ones to dedicate to God, and to train in His ways. These parents rejoice in having a wee Sunday school in their own home, and in holding lit­ tle hands at the table as thanks is given to God for His love. They pray with the little ones for the blessing of God on them, and in them. C hildren A re an E xample to P arents M att . 19:14 The observing parents will learn many truths from the actions of their babies. These lessons are much to be desired, for they come from the life of the child and thus have force, and help to make God’s Word effective. The little ones will teach the parents patience, long-suffering, and kind­ ness. Godly parents will, of course, expect their children to be godly. What a surprise awaits them! They soon discover that this wee bit of humanity wants to rule the house, and to monopolize the time of both the father and the mother. From the loud, long cry, the mother will be sure that the pin is sticking deep into -the body of the sweet little one, but she discovers to her amazement it is just the desire of the baby to have attention, and to be held in her arms. She will soon find that this little sweetheart is sometimes a trouble maker. C hildren A re the P arents ’ C are Ex. 12:26 The rearing of children may be most enlightening, enriching, and beneficial to the mother and father. Parents who are wise, and who are spiritually minded, will look forward with keen anticipation to the priv­ ileges and opportunities of training little lives entrusted to their care. The children will ask many difficult questions and sometimes embarrass­ ing ones. These questions will often be vital to proper growth and train­ ing of the boy or girl. Someone has written about the mother, “God grant that she may know how strong that stalk must grow that rears so fair a flower.” The answer that is given by the parents to their child’s interroga­ tions may turn the child to right or to wrong actions and interests. Let us ever seek wisdom from heaven to care properly for the souls, as well as the bodies, of those precious little lives entrusted to us by God. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Ready for You! New Sacred Solo “Picture D ivine 99 By CARLTON C. BUCK Now published in regular sheet music form, medium voice, suitable for gen­ eral Worship and Radio Services. 50c per Copy. Address'Composer, I I 5 E. Wilshire Ave., Fullerton, Calif.


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