King's Business - 1947-08

For the Children O ur B ible H elps U s (P rov . 3:5-7; 9:10; 14:34; 16:18; 21:3; 27:2; 29:18) M e m o r y V er se : “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger” (Prov. 15:1). Sometimes Christian boys and girls have questions about the things that they should do and say as fol­ lowers of the Son of God. Our Bible helps us to answer these questions. King Solomon, through the Holy Spirit, gives us some more good ad­ vice in today’s lesson. Christians will not depend upon their own wisdom; with all their hearts they will trust their Lord to guide and teach them. If they put Him first in all their ways, He will surely direct their paths. Their love for God will keep them from being proud of their own wisdom. Carefully Christians will guard their hearts, keeping them clean and pure in their Saviour’s strength, for out of their hearts come their words, their thoughts, and their actions. They will help to make their land a Christian one by winning others to the Lord Jesus. Christian nations are promised blessing, “ but sin is a re­ proach to any people.” Humility will clothe the thoughts and actions of Christian boys and girls. “Pride goeth before destruc­ tion, and an haughty [proud] spirit before a fall.” All that we have, our talents, our appearance, our strong, healthy bodies, etc., are gifts from our God, and nothing for which we can honestly take any praise. We should give the praise to Him rather than to seek it for ourselves. "Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” Fairness in studies, games, and in helping in our homes pleases our Lord greatly. Can you think of other proverbs, or other verses, from your Bible that help you to know what to do and to say as a Christian boy or girl? God does not speak to us directly now, as He did in Old Testament times, but He does speak to us clearly through His Word, the Bible, and through the Holy Spirit who lives within His children. If you want* to be a really happy Christian, obey God’s Word, for Solomon, our wise teacher, says, “He that keepeth the law [God’s Word], happy is he.” T H E W IL L O F G O D I worship thee, sw eet will of G#d! And all thy ways adore, And every day I live 1 seem To love thee more and more. Thou wert the end. the blessed rule Of our Saviour's toils and tears; Thou, wert the passion of H is heart Those three and thirty years. — F. W. F A B E R .






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continues sending out and engaging missionaries in many parts of the world where there are Russian refugees, colonists an d other Slavic-speaking peo­ ple — in South America,

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Canada, United States, Europe, as well as in Alaska among the Russians and Indians. Peter Deyneka returned in December, 1946, from his visit in several European countries where he found many open doors for the gospel and many suffering Christians. We feel keenly the burden of responsibility to immediately send support for the mission­ aries and to relieve suffering Christians, es­ pecially in central Europe. Christian liter­ ature and Gospels are also needed in their languages, and a Polish Russian Bible School must be opened up by October. Your prayers and gifts are greatly needed now. Make your check payable to RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOC IAT ION Peter Deyneka, General Director. 64 W . Randolph St., Dept. K, Chicago, III. Send for free copy of “ A Stirring Report of What 1 Saw and Heard on My Recent Trip to Europe” and also for the Hunstan Gospel MeWi i.

AUGUST, 1947

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