King's Business - 1947-08

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

ship is not satisfactory unless it has the right qualities. Bad friends can be very harmful. Good friends can be very helpful. We see the word “FRIENDS” on this piece of white paper. If I open the flaps, we shall see what is neces­ sary in the forming of helpful friend­ ships. The first word is “FAITH.” We will let this stand for faith in God. Christians should make their close friends among those who have faith in God. The second word is “UNDER,- STANDING.” You cannot be a close friend to any one unless you under­ stand him, and know why he does certain things. The next word is “CONFIDENCE.” This means that you trust your friend. You are sure that he will do the right thing at all times. “LOVE” is the fourth word, re­ minding us of Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loveth at all times.” Next we find the word “HELPFUL­ NESS.” Many people w ill' seek to hinder our serving the Lord, but those who are our true friends, will be helpful to us in this respect. We can test our associates and find out who are true friends by noticing which ones are helpful, and which ones hinder our Christian life. “CONSIDERATION” is another word which is important in friend­ ships. It means to be thoughtful of others, doing only the things which will bring joy to them. There can be no true friendship without "SINCERITY.” This is the quality of appearing exactly the way you are, and not pretending to be something which you are not. If you want true friends, first be sure that all these qualities are found in yourself, and then in your companions. If all of you possess these characteristics, your friend­ ships yvill be helpful and lasting. September 21, 1947 T he R oad to W isdom Objects: A college cap, real or imi­ tation, a road map, a pair of gloves, a card on which "A, B, C,” are printed and a card on which "THE FEAR OF THE LORD," is printed. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Most people feel quite pleased when they have bought something at a good bargain. The very best bargain, and the one which gives the most satisfaction, is that which is used to send the gospel of Christ to those who do not know Him. A sucker lasts less than a day, an ornament for the hair can be used only a short time, and a necktie is soon worn out, but money spent to tell others of Christ will last for eternity. How glad some people will be when they reach heaven that they have given their money to ex­ tend the gospel, instead of having spent it for things which do not last! In Ecclesiastes 5:13, we read. “There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt.” Be careful, boys and girls, for Proverbs 20:11 tells us that, “even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” September 14, 1947 F acts A bout F riends Object: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the word “ FRIENDS.” Open the flaps, and, using the letters in the word “FRIENDS,” complete the following words, "FAITH, UNDERSTANDING, CONFIDENCE, LOVE, HELPFUL­ NESS, CONSIDERATION and SIN­ CERITY.” )

September 7, 1947 T he B est B uy

Objects: A candy sucker, a hair ornament, a necktie, a Bible, and either a map of the world, or a small globe.

Lesson: When spending our money, we generally try to get the best value we can. We want to buy some­ thing that will be good and will last. How many of you would like to have this sucker? Yes, I see that all of you have a sweet tooth. Have you ever figured out how long a sucker lasts? It is called an "all- day” sucker, but I have never seen one which lasted all day. If you want the most for your money, you will not buy a sucker, for though it is very sweet, it lasts but a short time. Girls, how would you like to have this pretty ornament for your hair? How long do you think it would last? It would last longer than the sucker, but it would not be long until the style would change, and this beauti­ ful ornament would be worthless. As pretty as it is, it is not the best bar­ gain. Boys, do you think you would like this bright necktie? Yes, I am sure you would, but have you stopped to realize that money spent for neckties will not bring the very best bargain? After a few months, the necktie will be old and useless. This Bible represents the very best value in all the world. I take it, and put it on top of this globe [or map of the world]. The investment that will last for the longest time is that which gives the Bible to the world. Page Forty-four

F a ITW n k |6 understand ^ CONFIDENCE



Lesson: Today we are studying about friendship. Life would not be very enjoyable without friends. Friend­

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