King's Business - 1947-08

nection with the matter, certainly there is no mention of Jesus Christ the Son. History contains many documented instances of miraculous, divine heal­ ings. Bible history itself presents in­ disputable proof of God’s willingness to heal. When He was on earth, Jesus not only spoke peace to hearts, but miraculously healed sick bodies. The apostles who followed Him were also given power to heal. And to­ day many are still healed in answer to prayer in the name of Jesus. However, all bodily healing does not originate in Christian groups. Some cults, which positively deny the deity and substitutionary work of God’s Son, repeatedly demonstrate a power to relieve suffering. There are therefore two forces for miracu­ lous healing in the world: God and Satan. The fact of bodily healing does not necessarily constitute evi­ dence of God’s approval of the healer. One must go further than that to determine whether Christ is honored and the Word of God given primary place in the deliverances. In the case of Avak, neither condi­ tion seems to be met. ☆ Treasure «— Where? "DECENTLY the press was filled with the story of a very great man who had just died, one who had started out “from scratch” and had built a fabulous financial empire. Henry Ford was reputed to be worth about two billion dollars. His holdings included not only sprawl­ ing factories, but mines and rubber plantations and glass plants and almost uncounted real estate hold­ ings. In the financial world his word had been death or life. In press circles everything he did was news. He was a symbol of America. He was a force to be dealt with, and the other day, because the basement of the Ford mansion was flooded, due to the overflowing river waters, he and Mrs. Ford went to bed at nine in a cold bedroom. At 11:15 Henry Ford called for a drink of water. The family physician was sent for, but before he could arrive at that cold house, Henry Ford, aged 83, had passed out of this life by the light of old-fashioned kerosene lamps and flickering candles. The press has been concerned with the amount of treasure which was left. It is sufficient for us to remem­ ber that whatever the amount, Henry Ford left all of it. Whether or not there is spiritual treasure awaiting him above depends upon two things: first, if he were a sincere believer in the Lamb of God, the Saviour of the world, and second, if, following his salvation, he had served the Lord Jesus with an unselfish heart. Page Five

all who love the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It is inter­ denominational in its organisation and character, and seeks to co-oper­ ate with and to assist all churches, Bible schools, and other organisa­ tions which are endeavoring, in obedience to the command of our blessed Lord, to give His gospel to every creature. It should also be understood that these buildings are not to be a mon­ ument to any man, nor to any set of men, but are to forever stand solely for the promulgation of the eternal truths of God’s Holy Word. Over its portals, and running across the front of this central building, will stand the inspired declaration, Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is set­ tled in heaven. This divinely in­ spired Word will ever be the source of truth which will inspire all of the Institute’s activities, furnishing from its exhaustless resources, the instruc­ tion which is to enable the Institute to send forth Bible workers furnished completely unto every good work. Should the Institute ever depart from these truths, or allow any teaching within these buildings contrary to them, then, this property is to re­ vert to the donors or to their heirs. As to the donors, allow me to say that it is greatly to be regretted that one of our daily papers yester­ day morning, in its notice of this service, through a misapprehension of the facts, referred to Lyman Stew­ art as the donor of the building. This statement does great injustice to all the donors, and is also an in­ jury to the Institute, as such state­ ments necessarily tend to prevent the successful financing of this great enterprise. I desire to state most em­ phatically that I am only one of a number of donors, and that I am not the donor of this or of any of these buildings. For the teaching of the truths for which the Institute stands, its doors are to be open every day in the year, and all people, without reference to race, color, class, creed, or previous condition, will ever be welcome to its privileges. ☆ Avak the Healer A N incident which has caught the eye and fancy of the press is the coming to Southern California of an Iranian named Avak, upon the in­ vitation of a rich Armenian wine merchant who, after exhausting all other sources, has sought his so- called healing powers for his epilep­ tic son. The publicity given the mat­ ter has resulted in ailing hundreds’ seeking this man’s aid. Whether or not Avak has any particular power has yet to be demonstrated. While there is some reference to God in con­

Disreputable Church Signs O NE cannot journey far through city or country without passing many church buildings. Most of these have some sort of sign board, usually at the front of the church, advertising their services. Generally speaking, these boards are fairly well-kept, but occasionally one finds them' in a state of almost complete neglect. Paint is badly needed, the glass is broken or dirty, and the re­ movable letters are faded and rusty. If one on the outside were to judge the quality of the church services from the bulletin boards, I am sure he would never be induced to en­ ter the auditorium. It would be far better to have no bulletin board at all than to have one which shows signs of neglect. Before the doors of nearly every church there passes a stream of hu­ manity all week long. As one views the church building, the eye is nat­ urally drawn to any writing which may tell what sort of message it de­ livers. If the bulletin board is neglected, or if, in the middle of the week, the notice still concerns the previous Sunday, the onlooker can­ not but be contemptuous of the church’s testimony. On the other hand, to the wise believer this means presents a splendid opportunity to advertise not only the coming church services, but by a few succinct words, the reader may be startled into think­ ing of eternal matters. Please ex­ amine your bulletin board and spend whatever is- necessary to make it a ereditato your Church. ☆ Lyman Stewart O N July 22, 1947 will be observed another anniversary of the birth of Lyman Stewart, man of God, and one of the founders of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. As the years pass since the day when God called Mr. Stewart to be with Himself, we have become more and more aware of his stature as a Christian phi­ lanthropist, and increasingly appre­ ciative of his genuine humility. In an early issue of The King’s Busi­ ness there appeared an account of the laying of the cornerstone of the Institute buildings. With gratitude to God for such a spirit as was Ly­ man Stewart’s, we reprint a few lines from' the address which he de­ livered on that occasion: Like the great apostle to the Gen­ tiles, the Institute in its propaganda will have but one theme—Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Its teach­ ing, therefore, from the standpoint of this world’s wisdom, will be nar­ row. It will also be intolerant of er­ ror, but have a love for the souls of men as wide as the world. It will fellowship with, and bid'Godspeed to AUGUST, 1947

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