Cannapages Nov/Dec 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Vol 10. Edition 6

News from CannaTown

Page 11

NICKELJOINT VISITS THE DOCKS Holiday Wings N' Weed Picnic Docks, Lower CannaTown e local dock people of Lower CannaTown were thrilled, and some rightfully reserved, when St. Nickeljoint crashed a Wings ‘n Weed picnic on Saturday aernoon. e feisty old elf said he needed gas money to get to Zazaville and took up a collection among those present. He also ate seven plates of zesty hot wings and destroyed a porta-jon. “It felt great to meet him,” said boatsman Gerry Froth. “He asked for my shoes and said that I’d get a brand new pair this com- ing Weedmas.” "Bullshit," Froth added.

JERRIES CLUB TOY FUNDRAISER Jerrygold Lodge West Burnadoobie e old men at the Jerrygold Lodge threw a press conference Tuesday to announce they had successfully collected and donated roughly 2,000 large wooden toys. Although reporters were swi to point out that the gis arrived as raw goods direct from China and are completely unassembled, the group was adamant that they were still making a dierence. “We’re really proud of our eorts,” said president Henry inmint. “Imagine each child’s expression as they open a box full of sticks and blocks and experience the kind of disappointment most people have to wait until adulthood to feel.”

RUNNING OF THE TREES Festival of San Ganja'n Downtown Bongloma

TODD STILL DOING MUG TRICK Peggy's Annual Christember Party Longrip Lane in Haze Heights Onlookers have conrmed Todd is showing that new gal his stupid mug trick that he always does, and he looks ridiculous in that apron. e gal does not appear amused.

It’s a rite of passage, albeit controversial to some: the running of Christember trees through the streets of Bongloma, oen marked with injuries and craziness, is just the start of the preparation for the holidays. From here, the trees will shorn and tted for a T-shirt, then leaned up in a cozy corner.

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